General information
- OS: Windows
- Hypervisor: Hyper-V
PS C:\Users\anath\go\bin> .\crc.exe status
Machine does not exist. Use 'crc start' to create it
PS C:\Users\anath\go\bin> .\crc.exe config view
- consent-telemetry : no
- preset : podman
PS C:\Users\anath\go\bin> .\crc.exe start
INFO Checking minimum RAM requirements
INFO Checking if running in a shell with administrator rights
INFO Checking Windows release
INFO Checking Windows edition
INFO Checking if Hyper-V is installed and operational
INFO Checking if Hyper-V service is enabled
INFO Checking if crc-users group exists
INFO Checking if current user is in crc-users and Hyper-V admins group
INFO Checking if vsock is correctly configured
INFO Checking if the daemon task powershell script is present
INFO Checking if the daemon task is installed
INFO Checking if the daemon task is running
INFO Checking admin helper service is running
INFO Loading bundle: crc_podman_hyperv_4.4.4_amd64...
INFO Creating CRC VM for Podman 4.4.4...
INFO Generating new SSH key pair...
INFO Starting CRC VM for podman 4.4.4...
INFO CRC instance is running with IP
INFO CRC VM is running
INFO Updating authorized keys...
INFO Adding new bearer token for cockpit webconsole
podman runtime is now running.
Use the 'podman' command line interface:
PS> & crc podman-env | Invoke-Expression
PS> podman.exe COMMAND
PS C:\Users\anath\go\bin> Measure-Command { .\crc.exe stop }
INFO Stopping the instance, this may take a few minutes...
Cannot stop machine: exit status 1
Days : 0
Hours : 0
Minutes : 10
Seconds : 2
Milliseconds : 662
Ticks : 6026623821
TotalDays : 0.00697525905208333
TotalHours : 0.16740621725
TotalMinutes : 10.044373035
TotalSeconds : 602.6623821
TotalMilliseconds : 602662.3821
PS C:\Users\anath\go\bin> .\crc.exe status
CRC VM: Running
Podman: 4.4.4
RAM Usage: 179.6MB of 1.981GB
Disk Usage: 1.869GB of 32.68GB (Inside the CRC VM)
Cache Usage: 4.073GB
Cache Directory: C:\Users\anath\.crc\cache
PS C:\Users\anath\go\bin> Measure-Command { .\crc.exe stop -f }
INFO Stopping the instance, this may take a few minutes...
Days : 0
Hours : 0
Minutes : 10
Seconds : 4
Milliseconds : 992
Ticks : 6049928313
TotalDays : 0.00700223184375
TotalHours : 0.16805356425
TotalMinutes : 10.083213855
TotalSeconds : 604.9928313
TotalMilliseconds : 604992.8313
finally it stops when using crc.exe stop -f
PS C:\Users\anath\go\bin> .\crc.exe status
CRC VM: Stopped
Podman: 4.4.4
RAM Usage: 0B of 0B
Disk Usage: 0B of 0B (Inside the CRC VM)
Cache Usage: 4.073GB
Cache Directory: C:\Users\anath\.crc\cache