General information
- OS: Windows 11 Pro
- Hypervisor: Hyper-V
- Did you run
crc setup
before starting it (Yes)? but fails - Running CRC on: Laptop
CRC version
CRC version: 2.25.0+97705a
OpenShift version: 4.13.6
Podman version: 4.4.4
CRC status
DEBU CRC version: 2.25.0+97705a
DEBU OpenShift version: 4.13.6
DEBU Podman version: 4.4.4
DEBU Running 'crc status'
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ReleaseId).ReleaseId'
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").EditionID'
crc does not seem to be setup correctly, have you run `crc setup`? => have done run `crc setup` but failed
CRC config
- consent-telemetry : yes
Host Operating System
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
OS Version: 10.0.22621 N/A Build 22621
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration: Standalone Workstation
OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free
Registered Owner: [email protected]
Registered Organization: N/A
Product ID: 00330-81478-18743-AA492
Original Install Date: 18/05/2023, 23:41:17
System Boot Time: 07/09/2023, 13:46:20
System Manufacturer: LENOVO
System Model: 82U9
System Type: x64-based PC
Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed.
[01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 154 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~2100 Mhz
BIOS Version: LENOVO K2CN36WW, 07/03/2023
Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
System Directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device: \Device\HarddiskVolume1
System Locale: en-us;English (United States)
Input Locale: en-us;English (United States)
Time Zone: (UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
Total Physical Memory: 16.108 MB
Available Physical Memory: 8.339 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size: 24.044 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 15.420 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use: 8.624 MB
Page File Location(s): C:\pagefile.sys
Logon Server: \\ANDIKAOPP
Hotfix(s): 3 Hotfix(s) Installed.
[01]: KB5028948
[02]: KB5029351
[03]: KB5028756
Network Card(s): 3 NIC(s) Installed.
[01]: Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz
Connection Name: Wi-Fi
DHCP Enabled: Yes
DHCP Server:
IP address(es)
[02]: fe80::e5ac:9f74:4ed2:a652
[02]: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
Connection Name: Bluetooth Network Connection
Status: Media disconnected
[03]: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
Connection Name: Ethernet 2
DHCP Enabled: No
IP address(es)
[02]: fe80::1b9c:42c2:faf8:de78
Hyper-V Requirements: A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed.
Steps to reproduce
- Install crc-windows-amd64.msi
- reboot
- Started to setup the wizard
- Fillin pull-secret
Success setup and showing icon tray openshift
Setup failed. Error: 'Make sure you installed crc using the Windows installer and performed required reboot '. Please restart.
Before gather the logs try following if that fix your issue
$ crc delete -f
Machine does not exist. Use 'crc start' to create it
$ crc cleanup
INFO Removing the daemon task
INFO Removing the daemon task powershell script
INFO Removing crc's virtual machine
INFO Removing CRC Specific entries from user's known_hosts file
INFO Removing hosts file records added by CRC
INFO Removing pull secret from the keyring
INFO Removing older logs
exit status 1
remove C:\Users\andik\.crc\bin\hidden_daemon.ps1: The system cannot find the file specified.
Post "http://unix/clean": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
$ crc setup
INFO Using bundle path C:\Users\andik\.crc\cache\crc_hyperv_4.13.6_amd64.crcbundle
INFO Checking minimum RAM requirements
INFO Checking if current user is in crc-users and Hyper-V admins group
INFO Checking if CRC bundle is extracted in '$HOME/.crc'
INFO Checking if C:\Users\andik\.crc\cache\crc_hyperv_4.13.6_amd64.crcbundle exists
INFO Checking if the daemon task powershell script is present
INFO Creating the daemon task powershell script
INFO Checking if the daemon task is installed
INFO Checking if the daemon task is running
INFO Running the daemon task
Temporary error: daemon is not running yet (x8)
$ crc setup with run crc daemon in another powershell
INFO Using bundle path C:\Users\andik\.crc\cache\crc_hyperv_4.13.6_amd64.crcbundle
INFO Checking minimum RAM requirements
INFO Checking if current user is in crc-users and Hyper-V admins group
INFO Checking if CRC bundle is extracted in '$HOME/.crc'
INFO Checking if C:\Users\andik\.crc\cache\crc_hyperv_4.13.6_amd64.crcbundle exists
INFO Checking if the daemon task powershell script is present
INFO Checking if the daemon task is installed
INFO Checking if the daemon task is running
INFO Running the daemon task
INFO Checking admin helper service is running
Make sure you installed crc using the Windows installer and performed required reboot
$ crc start --log-level debug
DEBU CRC version: 2.25.0+97705a
DEBU OpenShift version: 4.13.6
DEBU Podman version: 4.4.4
DEBU Running 'crc start'
DEBU Total memory of system is 16890978304 bytes
DEBU No new version available. The latest version is 2.25.0
DEBU Checking file: C:\Users\andik\.crc\machines\crc\.crc-exist
INFO Checking minimum RAM requirements
DEBU Total memory of system is 16890978304 bytes
INFO Checking if running in a shell with administrator rights
DEBU Running '$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent());$currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)'
INFO Checking Windows release
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ReleaseId).ReleaseId'
INFO Checking Windows edition
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").EditionID'
DEBU Running on Windows Professional edition
INFO Checking if Hyper-V is installed and operational
DEBU Running '@(Get-Wmiobject Win32_ComputerSystem).HypervisorPresent'
DEBU Running '@(Get-Service vmms).Status'
INFO Checking if Hyper-V service is enabled
DEBU Running '@(Get-Service vmms).Status'
INFO Checking if crc-users group exists
DEBU Running 'Get-LocalGroup -Name crc-users'
INFO Checking if current user is in crc-users and Hyper-V admins group
DEBU Running '(Get-LocalGroupMember -Group 'crc-users').Name'
DEBU Checking current user is in the 'crc-user' group
DEBU group members: ANDIKAOPP\andik
DEBU Running '(Get-LocalGroupMember -SID 'S-1-5-32-578').Name'
DEBU Checking current user is in the 'Hyper-v Administrators' group
DEBU group members: ANDIKAOPP\andik
INFO Checking if vsock is correctly configured
DEBU Running 'Get-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\GuestCommunicationServices\00000400-FACB-11E6-BD58-64006A7986D3"'
INFO Checking if the daemon task powershell script is present
INFO Checking if the daemon task is installed
DEBU Running 'Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName crcDaemon'
DEBU Running '(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "crcDaemon").Version'
INFO Checking if the daemon task is running
DEBU Running '(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "crcDaemon").State'
DEBU expected crcDaemon task to be in 'Running' but got 'Ready
WARN Preflight checks failed during `crc start`, please try to run `crc setup` first in case you haven't done so yet
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ReleaseId).ReleaseId'
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").EditionID'
expected crcDaemon task to be in 'Running' but got 'Ready'
Please consider posting the output of crc start --log-level debug
on and post the link in the issue.