General information
- OS: Windows
- Hypervisor: Hyper-V
- Did you run
crc setup
before starting it (Yes/No)? Yes - Running CRC on: Laptop
CRC version
CRC version: 2.38.0+25b6eb
OpenShift version: 4.15.17
Host Operating System
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise
OS Version: 10.0.22631 N/A Build 22631
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration: Standalone Workstation
System Type: x64-based PC
Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed.
[01]: AMD64 Family 25 Model 68 Stepping 1 AuthenticAMD ~2701 Mhz
Total Physical Memory: 32,020 MB
Steps to reproduce
After starting Openshift with default configuration of memory {10Gi) and disk (31G) I had problems to work with cluster
- Adding additional pods failed - nginx or quarkus example - Evicted because lack of memory of the node
- After couple of restarts of Opeshift there were about 800 pods Evicted due Disk pressure - cluster was accessible, but a lot of services were not started - like image registry ....
Default configuration should enable to play around with Openshift - at least provide space for some new pods and should be stable - not to break down due to lack of resources after simple experiment (nginx and quarkus exapmple) and couple of restarts.
I think default config of resource is just on the edge to run cluster itself, at least this is my impression, I did not do any fancy stuff, just tried couple of examples and this caused problems.