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Error starting machine: Error in driver during machine start: failed to start vm: Job failed with error code: 32788 #4648



General information

crc VM failed to start for openshift 4.17.14

Operating System




Did you run crc setup before crc start?


Running on


Steps to reproduce

  1. Do crc setup with success
  2. crc start failed

CRC version

CRC version: 2.47.0+457b65
OpenShift version: 4.17.14
MicroShift version: 4.17.14

CRC status

DEBU CRC version: 2.47.0+457b65
DEBU OpenShift version: 4.17.14
DEBU MicroShift version: 4.17.14
DEBU Running 'crc status'
CRC VM:          Stopped
OpenShift:       Stopped (v4.17.14)
Disk Usage:      0B of 0B (Inside the CRC VM)
Cache Usage:     28.9GB
Cache Directory: C:\Users\david\.crc\cache
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ReleaseId).ReleaseId' 
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").EditionID'

CRC config

- consent-telemetry                     : yes

Host Operating System

Host Name:                 DESKTOP-95V54PE
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 10 专业版
OS Version:                10.0.19045 N/A Build 19045
OS Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration:          Standalone Workstation
OS Build Type:             Multiprocessor Free
Registered Owner:          [email protected]
Registered Organization:   N/A
Product ID:                00330-80000-00000-AA722
Original Install Date:     2/10/2025, 9:52:34 PM
System Boot Time:          2/27/2025, 6:08:03 AM
System Manufacturer:       Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.
System Model:              MS-7C04
System Type:               x64-based PC
Processor(s):              1 Processor(s) Installed.
                           [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10 GenuineIntel ~3192 Mhz
BIOS Version:              American Megatrends Inc. 1.00, 9/17/2018
Windows Directory:         C:\WINDOWS
System Directory:          C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device:               \Device\HarddiskVolume3
System Locale:             zh-cn;Chinese (China)
Input Locale:              zh-cn;Chinese (China)
Time Zone:                 (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Total Physical Memory:     16,250 MB
Available Physical Memory: 5,532 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size:  24,186 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 8,971 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use:    15,215 MB
Page File Location(s):     C:\pagefile.sys
Domain:                    WORKGROUP
Logon Server:              \\DESKTOP-95V54PE
Hotfix(s):                 25 Hotfix(s) Installed.
                           [01]: KB5049621
                           [02]: KB5031988
                           [03]: KB4562830
                           [04]: KB4570334
                           [05]: KB4577266
                           [06]: KB5007115
                           [07]: KB5011048
                           [08]: KB5011050
                           [09]: KB5015684
                           [10]: KB5052077
                           [11]: KB5032907
                           [12]: KB5034224
                           [13]: KB5036447
                           [14]: KB5037018
                           [15]: KB5037240
                           [16]: KB5037995
                           [17]: KB5039336
                           [18]: KB5041579
                           [19]: KB5043935
                           [20]: KB5043130
                           [21]: KB5046823
                           [22]: KB5050388
                           [23]: KB5050111
                           [24]: KB5052916
                           [25]: KB5050411
Network Card(s):           4 NIC(s) Installed.
                                 Connection Name: 以太网
                                 DHCP Enabled:    Yes
                                 DHCP Server:
                                 IP address(es)
                                 [02]: fe80::4931:746b:8323:3038
                           [02]: Intel(R) Wireless-AC 9462
                                 Connection Name: WLAN
                                 DHCP Enabled:    Yes
                                 DHCP Server:
                                 IP address(es)
                                 [02]: fe80::1c63:c73b:36de:e97
                           [03]: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
                                 Connection Name: 蓝牙网络连接
                                 Status:          Media disconnected
                           [04]: Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter
                                 Connection Name: vEthernet (Default Switch)
                                 DHCP Enabled:    No
                                 IP address(es)
                                 [02]: fe80::6d1c:e9e7:c762:f74c
Hyper-V Requirements:      A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed.

Expected behavior

Start a localhost crc instance

Actual behavior

process interrupted by error

Error starting machine: Error in driver during machine start: failed to start vm: Job failed with error code: 32788 ()

CRC Logs

DEBU CRC version: 2.47.0+457b65
DEBU OpenShift version: 4.17.14
DEBU MicroShift version: 4.17.14
DEBU Running 'crc start'
DEBU Total memory of system is 17039736832 bytes
DEBU No new version available. The latest version is 2.47.0 
DEBU file not found: C:\Users\david\.crc\machines\crc\.crc-exist 
INFO Using bundle path C:\Users\david\.crc\cache\crc_hyperv_4.17.14_amd64.crcbundle
INFO Checking minimum RAM requirements
DEBU Total memory of system is 17039736832 bytes
INFO Check if Podman binary exists in: C:\Users\david\.crc\bin\oc
INFO Checking if running in a shell with administrator rights
DEBU Running '$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent());$currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)'
INFO Checking Windows release
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ReleaseId).ReleaseId' 
INFO Checking Windows edition
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").EditionID' 
DEBU Running on Windows Professional edition      
INFO Checking if Hyper-V is installed and operational 
DEBU Running '@(Get-Wmiobject Win32_ComputerSystem).HypervisorPresent'
DEBU Running '@(Get-Service vmms).Status'
INFO Checking if Hyper-V service is enabled       
DEBU Running '@(Get-Service vmms).Status'
INFO Checking if crc-users group exists
DEBU Running 'Get-LocalGroup -Name crc-users'     
INFO Checking if current user is in crc-users and Hyper-V admins group 
DEBU Running '(Get-LocalGroupMember -Group 'crc-users').Name' 
DEBU Checking current user is in the 'crc-user' group 
DEBU group members: DESKTOP-95V54PE\david
DEBU Running '(Get-LocalGroupMember -SID 'S-1-5-32-578').Name'
DEBU Checking current user is in the 'Hyper-v Administrators' group 
DEBU group members: DESKTOP-95V54PE\david
INFO Checking if vsock is correctly configured
DEBU Running 'Get-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\GuestCommunicationServices\00000400-FACB-11E6-BD58-64006A7986D3"'
INFO Checking if the win32 background launcher is installed 
DEBU Running '(Get-Item 'C:\Program Files\Red Hat OpenShift Local\crc-background-launcher.exe').VersionInfo.FileVersion' 
DEBU Found crc-background-launcher.exe version 
INFO Checking if the daemon task is installed     
DEBU Running 'Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName crcDaemon'
DEBU Running '(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "crcDaemon").Version' 
INFO Checking if the daemon task is running       
DEBU Running '(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "crcDaemon").State' 
INFO Checking admin helper service is running     
DEBU Running '(Get-Service crcAdminHelper).Status' 
INFO Checking SSH port availability
DEBU file not found: C:\Users\david\.crc\machines\crc\.crc-exist 
DEBU Copying 'C:\Users\david\.crc\cache\crc_hyperv_4.17.14_amd64\oc.exe' to 'C:\Users\david\.crc\bin\oc\oc.exe'
DEBU Copying 'C:\Users\david\.crc\cache\crc_hyperv_4.17.14_amd64\podman.exe' to 'C:\Users\david\.crc\bin\podman\podman.exe' 
INFO Loading bundle: crc_hyperv_4.17.14_amd64...  
DEBU Using secret from configuration
INFO Creating CRC VM for OpenShift 4.17.14...
DEBU Running pre-create checks...
DEBU Running '@(Get-Module -ListAvailable hyper-v).Name | Get-Unique'
DEBU Running '@([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new("S-1-5-32-578")))'
DEBU Creating machine...
DEBU Machine: libhvee -> creating: system settings 
DEBU Machine: libhvee -> creating: copy disk image 
DEBU Machine: libhvee -> creating: hardware setup 
DEBU Machine: libhvee -> creating: done
DEBU C:\Users\david\.crc\machines\crc\crc.vhdx is already 33285996544 bytes 
INFO Generating new SSH key pair...
INFO Generating new password for the kubeadmin user
DEBU Created C:\Users\david\.crc\machines\crc\.crc-exist
DEBU Machine successfully created
DEBU Machine: libhvee -> state
DEBU Machine: libhvee -> get machine
DEBU Machine: libhvee -> state: get
DEBU Machine: libhvee -> state: stopped
DEBU Copying 'C:\Users\david\.crc\cache\crc_hyperv_4.17.14_amd64\oc.exe' to 'C:\Users\david\.crc\bin\oc\oc.exe'
DEBU Copying 'C:\Users\david\.crc\cache\crc_hyperv_4.17.14_amd64\podman.exe' to 'C:\Users\david\.crc\bin\podman\podman.exe' 
INFO Starting CRC VM for openshift 4.17.14...     
DEBU Updating CRC VM configuration
DEBU Machine: libhvee -> get machine
DEBU Machine: libhvee -> start
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ReleaseId).ReleaseId' 
DEBU Running '(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").EditionID' 
Error starting machine: Error in driver during machine start: failed to start vm: Job failed with error code: 32788 ()

Additional context

I see same error in my another Windows 11 desktop on the first time after install. But it does not appear after restart.


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