hi @cameralibre and others here. i think the idea for a CC-Create platform is great!, and surely there are a million different ways it can be developed. But in general i like the approach of a platform that directly supports "open" creators. One thing someone brought up in context of the copyright reform platform was a potential project to mobilize pro-Internet creators & artists. I think right now there's a lot of yelling back and forth when it comes to policy development and copyright reform, and most of the times the actual creator's voice is sidelined, or manipulated by powerful interests. For example, in the context of the European copyright reform there's a lot of talk about the "values gap" - that intermediaries that have popped up over the last decade or so (think YouTube) aren't properly remunerating artists whose work is used there. And then we get public policy "solutions" to this, such as the terrible Article 13 which would pre-filter all user uploads to platforms and scan for any copyrighted works, and if it returns a match then the content is blocked from going online. Surely there are a lot of problems with this approach, but the main proponents of this type of mechanism are those coming from the incumbent music and film industries, representing huge artists. They claim google is eating their lunch and want to make them pay for it.
Groups like Edri, Communia, and even CC tend to focus on a user rights perspective, arguing (rightly) that there are important policy considerations that need to be taken into account to promote the right to access and use content – improving access to information and the rights of the public under limitations and exceptions to copyright. So we fight against things like Article 13.
But one thing that is sometimes missing are the real voices of creators who aren't the big players but who create awesome stuff (and some who want to get paid for it too). There's a huge opportunity to work with these types of creators in support of positive public policy advocacy that will actually help them (and by extension the commons too). I feel there are some productive conversations, but oftentimes they get drowned out, at least recently.
In any case, we don't have this very well fleshed out right now, but I thought there might be at least an opening for a discussion with your platform ideas too. How does CC policy and advocacy projects work more with creatives to turn around the perception that digital rights advocates don’t care about artists? What types of collaborations or projects could we join together on?
Happy to talk more about this, and bring others in too!