This repository contains the source material for the current working draft of the Creator Assertions Working Group's identity assertion. A rendered version of this specification can be found here.
This specification is subject to:
- The W3C Patent Policy (2004) as described in the file.
- The DIF Code of Conduct.
- The DIF CAWG Charter.
- The DIF CAWG Operating Addendum.
The site content is built using Antora, which takes Asciidoc (.adoc) plain text files and renders them to HTML and other formats.
The primary content of this document is available in docs/modules/ROOT/pages/index.adoc in this repo.
You can render the site of this content locally if you wish to test the appearance of changes you are making. To do this:
- Ensure that you have a current version of node.js installed. (Installers are here.)
- Install Antora and other project dependencies.
$ cd (root of this repo)
$ npm install
Each time you wish to preview content, run the following:
$ npx antora antora-playbook-local.yml
Site generation complete!
Open file:///(root of this repo)/build/site/index.html in a browser to view your site.
Antora does not have a live-preview feature, so you will need to re-run this command to ensure that the rendered site reflects any changes you have made.