This is a sample HR service that is exposing set of REST endpoints to:
- verify if the given employee requires registration
- assign employee id and email address
- assign department and manager
The service is defined as a decision service, using three sets of DRL rules for each of the functions described above.
mvn clean package quarkus:dev
Note that this requires GRAALVM_HOME to point to a valid GraalVM installation
mvn clean package -Pnative
To run the generated native executable, generated in target/
, execute:
./target/hr-{version}-runner -Dquarkus.http.port=8081
Please replace {version} with the actual version of kogito you are trying to use, e.g. 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
You can take a look at the swagger definition - automatically generated and included in this service - to determine all available operations exposed by this service. For easy readability you can visualize the swagger definition file using a swagger UI like for example available here. In addition, various clients to interact with this service can be easily generated using this swagger definition.
Once the service is up and running, you can use the following examples to interact with the service.
Assigns employee id and email address for given employee:
curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"employee" : {"firstName" : "Mark", "lastName" : "Test", "personalId" : "xxx-yy-zzz", "birthDate" : "2012-12-10T14:50:12.123+02:00", "address" : {"country" : "US", "city" : "Boston", "street" : "any street 3", "zipCode" : "10001"}}}' http://localhost:8081/id
As response the employee details including the new employee id and email address are returned.
Allows to verify if the given employee requires registration:
curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"employee" : {"firstName" : "Mark", "lastName" : "Test", "personalId" : "xxx-yy-zzz", "birthDate" : "2012-12-10T14:50:12.123+02:00", "address" : {"country" : "US", "city" : "Boston", "street" : "any street 3", "zipCode" : "10001"}}}' http://localhost:8081/employeeValidation
Assigns department and manager for the given employee:
curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"employee" : {"firstName" : "Mark", "lastName" : "Test", "personalId" : "xxx-yy-zzz", "birthDate" : "2012-12-10T14:50:12.123+02:00", "address" : {"country" : "US", "city" : "Boston", "street" : "any street 3", "zipCode" : "10001"}}}' http://localhost:8081/department
NOTE: Make sure that kogito S2I image builders are available to your OpenShift environment
- Go to hr project root directory
- Create new binary build and start it by uploading content of the current directory
oc new-build myproject/kogito-quarkus-ubi8-s2i --binary=true --name=hr-service-builder
oc start-build hr-service-builder --from-dir . --incremental=true
Once the build is completed create new build for runtime image
oc new-build --name hr-service --source-image=hr-service-builder --source-image-path=/home/kogito/bin:. --image-stream=kogito-quarkus-ubi8
Next create application for the runtime image
oc new-app hr-service:latest -l department=process,id=process,employeeValidation=process
and lastly create the route for it
oc expose svc/hr-service
To be able to deploy to knative there is a template script that can be used to directly deploy image from docker hub, just execute following command
oc apply -f knative/knative-hr-service.yaml