For data structures that want to be concurrent and only expose handles, the fact that crossbeam Handle
s are neither Send
nor Sync
is an issue. For example, in elfmalloc, we'd like to have allocator handles which are, at the very least, Sync
so that you can share them between threads by calling clone
from a new thread, but the fact that Handle
s are not Sync
has prevented us from doing that without resorting to unsafe code.
The problem comes down to the fact that Handle
s use immutable methods in thread-unsafe ways. You could imagine a handle where the pin
and is_pinned
methods were mutable, leaving clone
as the only immutable method, which would be implemented as self.collector().register()
. In fact, in order to sidestep this issue, that's exactly what I'm doing right now for elfmalloc:
/// A `Sync` handle on an epoch GC instance.
/// A `SyncHandle` is a handle on an epoch GC instance which is `Sync`. It is
/// meant to make it easier to work correctly with `Handle`s in a thread-safe
/// manner.
/// `Handles` are not `Sync` because they keep thread-unsafe references to a
/// `Local` under the hood. `SyncHandle` sidesteps that issue by ensuring that
/// the only immutable method is clone, which is careful not to use the `Handle`
/// stored internally - only the `Arc<Collector>`, which *is* thread-safe.
pub struct SyncHandle {
handle: Handle,
collector: Arc<Collector>,
impl SyncHandle {
pub fn new() -> SyncHandle {
let collector = Arc::new(Collector::new());
SyncHandle {
handle: collector.register(),
pub fn pin(&mut self) -> Guard {
impl Clone for SyncHandle {
fn clone(&self) -> SyncHandle {
let handle = self.collector.register();
SyncHandle {
collector: self.collector.clone(),
unsafe impl Sync for SyncHandle {}
It would also be nice if such a handle could be Send
, although I'm not sure how that would be done with the current Local
-based design.