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Cryptomator Termux proot support would be great but maybe impossible?
I assume this is a very naive question based on a fundamental lack of understanding about what Cryptomator needs to function but is it at all possible to make a version that can run under the limitations of termux proot on an unrooted android device?
I can't root my device because Reasons, and I've been trying to find a solution to the inherent insecurity that comes from Android's pin/password limitations by having a private vault on the proot debian I run but with how restrained it is in its scope - unable to provide fuse or loop modules usually used for mounting various cryptographic software vaults - nothing is working. I thought maybe the webdav option Cryptomator has might? But I can't try it because it complains about being unable to find glibc, which I presume is also due to a proot limitation.
Obviously if this idea is absolutely insane disregard it wholeheartedly, I'm not here demanding miracles.
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