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Installing and Configuring Pivotal Build Service

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This topic describes how to install and configure Pivotal Build Service.

Install and Configure Pivotal Build Service


  • PKS installed
  • Kubectl installed locally (Only required if no ingress controller is already installed)
  • Ruby (This is required to create the UAA client)

Retrieve cluster credentials

This step retrieves the credentials used by kubectl to talk to the PKS cluster where Pivotal Build Service will run

pks get-credentials <cluster-name>

To target the cluster execute

kubectl config use-context <cluster-name>

These commands only needs to be run once for the full installation.

Install UAA Pivotal Build Service client


  • Ruby

Install the UAA client

The users of Pivotal Build Service are configured on a UAA. In order to talk with UAA, Pivotal Build Service must have a client configured. To configure this client we recommend using uaac tool

  1. Install uaac tool on your machine, run the following command
gem install cf-uaac

Note: if not using rbenv or rvm you may need to execute sudo gem install cf-uaac

  1. Target the UAA that will be used to authenticate the Build Service Users
uaac target <UAA_URL>

Note: When using a self-signed certificate, you must use the --skip-ssl-validation flag in conjuction with uaac

  1. Login as user management admin user
uaac token client get admin -s <user-management-admin-user>

Note: this password can be found in you UAA credentials section from Opsman

  1. Install the UAA Client
uaac client add pivotal_build_service_cli --scope="openid" --secret="" --authorized_grant_types="password,refresh_token" --access_token_validity 600 --refresh_token_validity 21600

Note: this command need to be executed as is. The secret in this case need to be an empty string

Configure TLS certificates for Pivotal Build Service

You need to get or create certificate for the Pivotal Build Service Domain that will be used in Install Pivotal Build Service step. These certificates can be self signed or not.

When you have the .crt and .key files place them in /tmp/certificate.crt and /tmp/certificate.key

Create the secret in the Kubernetes cluster

tlsCert=$(cat /tmp/certificate.crt | base64 | awk '{printf "%s", $0}')
tlsKey=$(cat /tmp/certificate.key | base64 | awk '{printf "%s", $0}')
cat << EOF| kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: build-service-certificate
  namespace: default
  tls.crt: $tlsCert
  tls.key: $tlsKey

After this step the files can be removed.

NOTES: For MacOS, when using pb cli the CA certificate should be added to the keychain and the Trust setting must be changed to Always Trust instead of Use System Defaults

Install Pivotal Build Service

Download the following files from Pivnet:

  1. Duffle executable for you operating system

  2. Pivotal Build Service Bundle

    Create a credentials file that maps the location where the credentials can be found. This file will be used by duffle during the installation

    A template for the file is next:

    name: build-service-credentials
      - name: kube_config
          path: "<path to kubeconfig on local machine>"
          path: "/root/.kube/config"
      - name: ca_cert
          path: "<path to CA certificate for registry access>"
          path: "/cnab/app/cert/ca.crt"

    This file should be created in /tmp/credentials.yml this location can be changed but the next command must be updated accordingly

    Note: In the credentials file all the local paths need to be absolute.

  3. Import the images bundle

    This step will extract the bundle

    duffle import /tmp/build-service-${version}.tgz -d /tmp/build-service/
  4. Copy the images from the extracted bundle into an internal Image Registry

    Login to the Image Registry where the images will be stored

    docker login <SOME_IMAGE_REGISTRY>

    Note The only caveat at this point is that the images need to be accessible without the need to login to the image registry.

    Push the images to the Image Registry

    duffle relocate -f /tmp/build-service/*/bundle.json -m /tmp/relocated.json -p <SOME_IMAGE_REGISTRY>
  5. Install Pivotal Build Service

    duffle install <my-build-service-installation-name> -c /tmp/credentials.yml  \
        --set domain=<BUILD_SERVICE_DOMAIN> \
        --set kubernetes_env=<PKS_CLUSTER_NAME> \
        --set docker_registry=<DOCKER_REGISTRY> \
        --set registry_username="<REGISTRY_USERNAME>" \
        --set registry_password="<REGISTRY_PASSWORD>" \
        --set uaa_url=<UAA_URL> \
        -f /tmp/build-service/*/bundle.json \
        -m /tmp/relocated.json

    Variables information:

    • my-build-service-installation-name this is the unique name for the installation. This name can be used after for upgrading Pivotal Build Service in the cluster kubectl is pointing at
    • BUILD_SERVICE_DOMAIN is the domain name that will be used to target Pivotal Build Service. This domain should have been configured as the domain for the Ingress controller.
    • PKS_CLUSTER_NAME Name of the PKS cluster where Pivotal Build Service will be installed
    • DOCKER_REGISTRY Image Registry used in the previous step to push images to
    • REGISTRY_USERNAME Username to access the registry
    • REGISTRY_PASSWORD Password to access the registry
    • UAA_URL URL to access UAA

    Additional optional properties:

    • disable_builder_polling this will prevent the build service from polling builder images for buildpack updates This option requires you to set up a Builder Webhook. This is a boolean value so it should be used like: --disable_builder_polling=true

    Note Some images will be pushed again to the image registry because during installation the CA Certificate provided will be added to the list of the available CA on these images. To do this, the duffle command must be provided with the credentials for the image registry

  6. Verify installation

    Download pb binary from Pivnet

    Target Pivotal Build Service


    A user should be created at this point, please follow the instructions in here

    After creating a UAA user the next step should successfully log you in to Pivotal Build Service

    pb login


How do I create users to use with Pivotal Build Service?


  • Ruby

Create the UAA users

The users of Pivotal Build Service are configured on a UAA. To create these users we recommend using uaac tool.

Follow the steps in Create the UAA client to install uaac client tool

Target the UAA that will be used to authenticate the Build Service Users

uaac target <UAA_URL> --skip-ssl-validation

Command to create a single user:

uaac user add <username> -p <password> --emails <email>