🤔 What's the problem you're trying to solve?
Feature: Add asciidoc support for feature formatting
Asciidoc is a feature rich alternative to markdown that covers almost everything that markdown does but
also adds much more
As a product owner
I want to use asciidoc formatting for my user stories
In order to better express my needs with well-formatted and pretty documents
As a quality engineer
I want to write examples (scenarios) using asciidoc
So that I can better express the features and underline important information using formatting and images
As a developer
I want to receive well-structured user stories to develop
So that I know exactly what I need to develop
As an end user
I want a pretty and well-formatted living documentation
So that I can quickly understand how the software works
As a tech lead
I want to generate a website using a tool like antora
In order to organize my documentation in a single well-structured documentation site
✨ What's your proposed solution?
There is currently a working markdown format so I think we can base ourselves on this module.
I haven't yet looked at the code though ..
⛏ Have you considered any alternatives or workarounds?
There is a project called cukedocktor that I have tried using for a while.
Unfortunately this project uses the old version of the cucumber framework pre-ndmessages and lacks some of the newer features
of the language like the rules.
It also seems like a redundant solution to the existing react html formatter.
📚 Any additional context?
Thanks for all of the hard work !
This text was originally generated from a template, then edited by hand. You can modify the template here.
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