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Shiny server function is called twice when browser is Firefox #77



I'm using Auth0 from a Shiny app. When the app runs in Chrome, the server function is called once, after the user logs in, with session$userData populated with the auth0_credentials and auth0_info. This is good 😺

When the app runs in Firefox, the server function is called twice - once immediately, with no session$userData, and again after the user logs in, with session$userData populated. If a session$onSessionEnded callback has been registered, it is called after the first call to server.

This is bad for a couple of reasons:

  • If session$onSessionEnded is used conventionally to register a call to stopApp, the application exits before the second call to server. This is catastrophic, the application does not launch. ☹️
  • The first call to server will fail if the server function tries to access anything in session$userData. This is merely annoying since the function is called again.

Here is a minimal reprex (you must supply your own _auth0.yml and .Renviron files):

library(purrr) # for `pluck`

ui <- fluidPage(
    titlePanel("Firefox test"),


server <- function(input, output, session) {

    cat('Entered `server` function\n')
    # Safe navigation to user name
    cat('User name is', 
        purrr::pluck(session, 'userData', 'auth0_info', 'name'), '\n')
    session$onSessionEnded(function() {
        cat('Session ended\n')

options(shiny.port = 4200)
auth0::shinyAppAuth0(ui, server)

When I run this on Chrome, the output is

Entered `server` function
User name is kent johnson 

with no output appearing until after I log in.

When I run on Firefox, the output is

Entered `server` function
User name is 
Session ended
Entered `server` function
User name is kent johnson 

where the first three lines are output before I complete the login sequence.

What is causing the double call to server and how can I prevent it?




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