We can use ANSI color codes to print text in different color and text styles.
To prettify a string with a color and text styles ie. bold, underline, we need to enclose and tag the affected string with a set of ANSI code. This means we need to escape with a value of 27 (33 in octal or 1B in hex) followed by an ANSI code.
In other words, to print text "Hello World" in red color. We do the following:
$ # \033 = Escape with octal value of 33 to tell the shell to expect a ANSI code.
$ # [Xm = Substitute X with an ANSI code (decimal) enclosed in [m.
$ echo -e "\033[31mHello World\033[0m"
Once we are done with tagging the string with the ANSI codes, we reset back to the plain color and style using \033[0m
Be sure to add the -e
parameter to the echo command.
We can also use escapes \x1b
and \e
in place of \033
. In other words, the following will produce the same outputs.
$ echo -e "\033[31mHello World\033[0m"
$ echo -e "\x1b[31mHello World\x1b[0m"
$ echo -e "\e[31mHello World\e[0m"
See ansi-code.sh for details.
We can also use tput to print the text in color.
bold=$(tput bold)
reset=$(tput sgr0)
red=$(tput setaf 1)
# No -e needed when using tput
echo "${red}${bold}Hello World${reset}"
See tput.sh for details.
ANSI Code | tput Command | Effect |
0 | sgr0 | Reset |
1 | bold | Bold: on |
2 | dim | Faint: on |
3 | Italic: on | |
4 | smul | Underline: on |
5 | Slow blink: on | |
6 | blink | Fast blink: on |
7 | rev | Reverse video: on |
8 | invis | Erase: on |
9 | Strikethrough: on | |
21 | Double underline: on | |
22 | Bold: off | |
23 | Italic: off | |
24 | emul | Underline: off |
25 | Slow blink: off | |
26 | Fast blink: off | |
27 | Reverse video: off | |
28 | Erase: off | |
29 | Strikethrough: off | |
30 | setaf 0 | Foreground: black |
31 | setaf 1 | Foreground: red |
32 | setaf 2 | Foreground: green |
33 | setaf 3 | Foreground: yellow |
34 | setaf 4 | Foreground: blue |
35 | setaf 5 | Foreground: magenta |
36 | setaf 6 | Foreground: cyan |
37 | setaf 7 | Foreground: white |
39 | setaf 9 | Foreground: reset |
40 | setab 0 | Background: black |
41 | setab 1 | Background: red |
42 | setab 2 | Background: green |
43 | setab 3 | Background: yellow |
44 | setab 4 | Background: blue |
45 | setab 5 | Background: magenta |
46 | setab 6 | Background: cyan |
47 | setab 7 | Background: white |
49 | setab 9 | Background: reset |