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DataKind edited this page Jul 24, 2013 · 24 revisions


The sunlight BFF project is a collection of resources for mapping the relationship between legislators and industries. Ultimately, we hope to use these tools see the specific ways in which money influences legislative outcomes in Washington.

To date, there are two pieces of software/analysis tools (the first of which currently takes up the majority of space here). First is Legislator Events, a collection of scripts which gather influence and legislative action data on particular legislators, and then visualizes that data on an interactive timeline. The purpose is to expose patterns in influence going into a legislator and legislative behavior coming out. The second is Legislation, a set of scripts which troll through legislation xml trying to find identical paragraphs of bills. By seeing how chunks of legislative language move through various bills, we hope to shed light on how policy moves the process in the presence of monied influence.

Legislator Events Resources

Influence & Legislative Event Data Documentation Methodological Issues Code Documentation
Influence & Legislative Events Methodological Issues Code Documentation
A growing collection of metrics and metadata for influence and politics Discussions of methods for objectively measuring influence Full documentation for tool code, issues and intentions