Releases: datastax/astra-sdk-java
Releases · datastax/astra-sdk-java
Support for Astra Failovers and gRPC
- Fixing the property
- Support for Astra Multi Region and explicit failover
- Support of gRPC
- More GraphQL functions supported
- Enhanced documenation
Retries, LB, Failover and support of GraphQL
Configuration changes
Astra allows now multiple regions. the configuration evolved to be able to cope with them. The secureConnectBundle will now be a folder, the others regions will be retrieved dynamically.
AstraClient client = AstraClient.builder()
.withDatabaseId("ABC") // Unique identifier for your instance
.withDatabaseRegion("DEF") // Cloud Provider region picked for you instance
.withKeyspace("KS") // (optional) Set your keyspace
.withClientId("clientId") // Will be used as your username
.withClientSecret("clientSecret") // Will be used as your password
Retries and request Configuration
At Stargate level, you can now specified a fined-grained configuration for the HTTP Client.
.withHttpRetryConfig(new RetryConfigBuilder()
.setTargetPreferredAuthSchemes(Arrays.asList(StandardAuthScheme.NTLM, StandardAuthScheme.DIGEST))
GraphQL Support
You can now query dynamically the GraphQL endpoints.
// Given a stargateClient
CqlSchemaClient cqlSchemaClient = stargateClient.apiGraphQL().cqlSchema();
Spring Data-Ish Repositories with Document API
// Random bean
Person johnConnor = new Person("John", "Connor", 20, new Address("Syberdyn", 75000));
// Create the repository providing `namespace` name and `collection` name
StargateDocumentRepository<Person> personRepo = new StargateDocumentRepository<Person>(
// insert
String docId = personRepo.insert(johnConnor);
// Let's the magic happens
Stream<Document<Person>> records = personRepository.findAll();