Hello @mpenick
Currently I'm facing another issue. This is related to timeout. Let me paste the error message here:
Query (SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id=?;) failed com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: host:9042 (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout while trying to acquire available connection (you may want to increase the driver number of per-host connections)))
I've event increase the per host connections. Let share that part of code with you here:
private val cluster = Cluster.builder() .addContactPoints(configuration.astraHostnames: _*) .withPort(9042) .withPoolingOptions(new PoolingOptions().setConnectionsPerHost(HostDistance.LOCAL, 40, 10000).setConnectionsPerHost(HostDistance.REMOTE, 20, 5000)) .withSocketOptions(new SocketOptions().setReadTimeoutMillis(configuration.cassandraReadTimeout)) .withLoadBalancingPolicy(LatencyAwarePolicy.builder(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy())).build) .withRetryPolicy(DefaultRetryPolicy.INSTANCE) .withSpeculativeExecutionPolicy(new ConstantSpeculativeExecutionPolicy(500, 2)) .build()
I think driver is working properly which is v. But my cql-proxy service is unable to handle multiple requests in hundreds at the same time.
Could you please share that how many request cql-proxy can handle at a time? and how I can change that number?