Hello, I'm new on Git.
I'm using helm chart ( and was trying install "Pulsar Datastax" function-worker thanks to Apache Pulsar documentation (
I'm using "Brokersts" (statefulset), I've enabled "functionsWorkerEnabled=true" and enabled "StateStorage" to true.
Thanks to this link (, i have enabled "StateStorage" and nothing else, so this variable "stateStorageServiceUrl: {{ include "pulsar.bkConnectStringOne" . }}" should be configure automatically ?
When i deploy my helm chart, i can create function but when i'm trying to query with "putstate()" or "querystate()" it tell me that :
"I have no name!@pulsar-bastion-id:/pulsar$ bin/pulsar-admin functions putstate \
--tenant public
--namespace default
--name wordcount
--state "{"key":"test", "stringValue":"hello pulsar"}"
State storage client is not done initializing. Please try again in a little while.
Reason: State storage client is not done initializing. Please try again in a little while."
I also check the "conf/functions_worker.yml" in the "bastion" pods and it seem that the "statestorage" is commented.
I followed the documentation given above but that didn't work. I'm don't know how to manage this. The "stateStorageServiceUrl: " should fill alone when i enable the statestorage no ? or i have to add this manually on the helm chart.
Can someone please help me on this please ?