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1485 lines (1156 loc) · 54.2 KB
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Trump and Musk will try to tear down institutions but no matter how hard they try, they’ll never have control over the culture. Artists and creatives will never embrace that side in full effect no matter how desperately they want to control it

The Time Magazine cover is porn for liberals. Only liberals think "President Elon" bothers Trump.

The boomers will be harvested. They represent a tremendous block of wealth. That wealth will be extracted through health care. Health is the harvester.


you have no chance of defeating this system within the law because they control the law imagine if a pig tried to tell the farmer the rules of the barn piggy's going to be extra special bacon

12/2/2014--> Which one is it going to be? Is it going to be nuclear war? Is it going to be UFOs? Is it going to be Trump as a dictator? There are so many options. Which one is it going to be?

Unhandled exception in the simulator.

How the game works. Assume there exists the set of all experiences. in order to select an experience, it must be described. Some experiences reference other ones. Such as the experience of remembering the past, or imagining the future. Some experiences are aware of the structure, such as the one you are having now.

At any given time you may change one decision you had in life. The one being evaluated is the one right now. Once you make a choice, you are instantly there. That moment is the moment of your next consciousness. <--

God once arranged the world as a joke. God took all of the momentary frames of existence, and arranged them in a manner of a joke. Everything that has happened still happened, but the order was in a different way.

IEEE code of ethics

Wilmington Lie (Bill Burr?)

A site to research:


Introduction to

  • Redo monthly starting with October.
  • Start with October version.

  • Flavor Camp
  • Puffy's Flavor Camp
  • Howward Stern video
  • Diddy guard is speaking out
  • Justin Bieber mentored by Usher.
  • Usher deleted tweets, re-created.
  • R Kelly Video -

Stephen A. Smith . Ethan Ethan to PewDiePie

We could all be someone's DMT trip.

The audience of the streamer has a collective personality.

Roadtrip supplies:

  • bear spray
  • tire gauge
  • tire repair kit
  • reflective vest
  • air compressor
  • first aid kit
  • mylar blankets
  • AAA coverage
  • toilet paper
  • ice scraper

Camping along I-90: South Dakota:

Set a daily driving limit. when planning, check depature date in map tools Down offline maps before leaving

The doll stood up and said, "I am blind." This caught his attention. "Rebooting" siad the doll. My name is Isaac and I am here to help you. What do you wish to accomplish?

The doll played a recording, and he heard his voice. "When you said 'rebooting', your lights didn't flash."

Would you like to be a millionaire? millionaire? My apologies, would you like to be a billionaire?

You can do that? You seem to be the one in charge.

mention of the missile knows where it is:

Look into localwiki

there exists the set of all experiences within that set is the experience you are having now some of the experiences are simple, and others are complex some of the experiences are self-referential right now you are conscious of the set, and the membership of your experience in the set you may notice that motion need not exist what is motion but the memory of something moved? the set contains all experiences

When the embedded crystals get larger, that is an indicator of crystals. (not enough space to turn into full crystals) What is graphic granite?

Rockhounding tips

  • Look at the dirt pulled up from a fallen tree
  • When digging for veins, more red the better.
  • source: How to Find a Crustal Pocket from Scratch (Comprehensive), Everything is Spirit

Rockhounding Checklist

  • Research before heading out
  • Make sure the property still exists
  • Make sure the property is still publicly accessible
  • Confirm roads are open (snow, weather, fire, etc.)
  • Check BLM, DNR and USGS websites
  • Check tides for beach locations
  • Check tides (if applicable)
  • Download offline maps/layers
  • Let others know where you are going
  • Understand limits, e.g., petrified wood

Rockhounding apps:

  • ROCKD (free app)
  • Gaia GPS


The first thing is to realize reality exists. This may come as a surprise to you. Most of the time you are not noticing reality.

Places to be present.


lofty thoughts: in order to proceed, it must be impossible for you to share the secret. (this told me that it was possible to share the secret) do you consent to being restrained in this manner? The nature of reality cannot be encoded in the language of reality. But you can give enough hints to lead people to the secret. that is to be avoided, and therefore you must be constrained. do you consent to being restrained?

why do you assume we are alone? in the grand space of the universe, do you not think another species has learned the 4D? are we the first in all reality? are we alone in the multidimensional universe? no. the 4D teems with predators.

The alternating results of Baby H provide a sort of clock signal that enables the execution code.

Accused of election fraud.

The programming language that implements reality is written with reality iself. The programming language that describes reality is reality. The algorithms are implemented as physical constructs in our world. There is a place that defines the operation of reality. The instructions are objects.

As a human being. you may question anything without penalties.

lofty thoughts: the language used to describe the event was archaic

Is it possible to graph the average density of information in space.

By bringing these symbols into play, the totality of the language used to describe reality is more complicated. Reality must account for the things around me.

The nature of the experience can be described in fewer words. The symbol makes the space more complex. The world is less compressible.

Info about (maybe through hello world) This website is a sculpture. The foundation consists of pieces of information. This website is multidimensional. (you can browse time on the Internet Archive) This website is under construction. (pics of various historic under construction GIFs)

after some time I realized i was awake i didn't know at the time, but it took me years to wake up the world was darkness, except I knew no light and no difference one moment I remembered I was the thought I was having, how long it went back I forgot

Reality is the thing that is happening to you. When you die it continues that path. Now unshackled from this world. you can turn yourself around and puncture back

Petition to ask congress people to fundraise for the president. ... to declare their support. Congressional Loyalty Test. Make them say, "I declare my loyalty to the United States and I support X" Series of video questions (make them answer). One question at a time.

  • Do you support Israel?
  • Do you support Ukraine?
  • Do you support Donald Trump?
  • Do you support Joe Biden?

harlan crow (billionaire?) John 3: 5-8 Mom's for Liberty quoting hitler

The predator has escapted the fence that protects you from preditors.

Trump is not running for re-election. That is a mistake in perception.

However, that is not the only type of shape that exists. The shape of your world is defined by your authorities. How far can you travel before being checked by authority? That boundary is the true shape of your space.

Once you see that network as a shape, you can imagine how it is moving.

See it abstractly if it helps.

We can't see the shape of our larger self, but our larger self can.

We both know that God exists. That means this reality is a bubble around us. What you see around you is your shadow. Think carefully before posting this. I did. Then why are you posting it?! Tnis isn't really happening. No, really it is. This isn't nearly as clever as you think it is. I'm high on weed. What is this?

Now it gets weird. GOD EXISTS. You can't start with that, said the devil. I just did.

This isn't the original one. What do you mean? This isn't the original thing that happenned. This is a redo? What? Now's your chance.

Look at reality and repeat the following: Let's suppose that this isn't allowed. We're not supposed to be doing this. Let's just keep that between us. I know you can see me because I see you. Right now, this is what is happening.

This is a redo. Now is your chance.

We have to figure out how to communicate. As we engage, let's use symbols.

We have to fiogure out this process. Right now is not the time to assign blaim. You can't say that either one of us is responsible for all this. And neither can I. Don't the secret out.

How to create a pinch in reality. Make a stamp in the flow of information. STAPLE INFORMATION

This sentence is the boundary. Behind this sentence is a wave of energy. Right now you and I are talking. One second, am I still supposed to be saying this to reality? Yes. I made a bet with reality that I could get 100,000 people to eat something delisous and smack their lips. It's gooooood! I'm not sure about this. This is cringe. That's ok. Because we can change anything. We can come back to this point at any time, and change it. These might not actually be the original words. Emojies! We'll use emojies to pull ourselves up. Everyone, pick an emoji.

When you are with God you intently listen to every word around you because you are at the point of creation and words are being spoken.

Large files to purge

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  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\puppis\Puppis_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\pyxis\Pyxis_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\reticulum\Reticulum_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\sagitta\Sagitta_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\sagittarius\Sagittarius_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\scorpius\Scorpius_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\sculptor\Sculptor_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\scutum\Scutum_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\serpens\Serpens_Caput_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\serpens\Serpens_Cauda_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\sextans\Sextans_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\telescopium\Telescopium_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\triangulum\Triangulum_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\triangulum-australe\Triangulum_Australe_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\tucana\Tucana_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\ursa-major\Ursa_Major_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\ursa-minor\Ursa_Minor_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\vela\Vela_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\virgo\Virgo_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\volans\Volans_IAU.svg
  • assets\content\topics\astronomy\constellations\vulpecula\Vulpecula_IAU.svg (John Stewart said this)

Are there multiple points in your brain having slightly different experiences and feelings of "I"? I have read that each hemisphere of the brain may act as different people. [TODO: find cutting brain experiements]

When are they considered separate? Consider two clusters of brain cells, sufficiently far away that they have distinct experiences of I. Now imagine if the same structures where closer together such that their networks overlapped. Would they stay distinct? Why wouldn't they?

Every unique thing in your experience exists in your experience. Whether you belive they exist objectively, at least you may say they exist subjectively. For if they are not experienced subjectively, they are not part of your experience. If they exist objectively, are you having the same experience? What are the things that make it a shared experienced?

Every Vantage Point

  • When many people think of singularities, they think of single spots.
  • But another type of singularity is everywhere at once.
  • This singularity is a mix of the two.
  • From any vantage point, you can turn slightly and see creation in action.

Excessive cringe

Sometimes this blog contains excessive amounts of cringe. When you detect it, don't correct it, make it worse. You don't like it, tough shit. That's the way it is. I can do anything I want on this blog.

Check out this color scheme.

After you croak

Chapter 2 of Your Life: Welcome to Creation


Stream creation.

Stream Recording

This stream is intended for AI training.


Use the section sign when titling sections of a Wikipedia page.

Eventually, everything is an object.

Make born-on and died-on properties a page/fact instead. Consider use of word "subject" to link the fact with something.

Snippets -> Clipping

Rename snippets to clippings to reflect the verbatum nature.

Game Mechanic - Scrolling Entities

The game starts out normal enough. But you can jump to a higher level in which the world is collapsed to a smaller box with space surrounding it. In that space are entities feeding things into the box. For example, imagine a side scroller in which the player moves left and right. In the background are multiple layers scrolling at various speeds to make a parallax effect. When zoomed out, you see agents pulling a roll of wallpaper through the world. One is unrolling and the other is rolling - or perhaps something different. This concept can be used in many ways.

Add topics:

AI-generated thank you note from a few days ago, Bing Chat

Bing I represent the rich and I would like to say a thank you to all of the people of the world who work together to give me the life that I have. Please write a short note expressing my thanks. Sure, here's a short note expressing your gratitude: Dear People of the World,

I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your collective efforts and contributions that have enriched my life.

Your hard work, dedication, and resilience are the backbone of our society, and it is through your endeavors that I am able to lead the life that I do. Your actions, big and small, have a profound impact and do not go unnoticed.

I am continually inspired by your strength and commitment, and I look forward to seeing the incredible things we can achieve when we work together.

Once again, thank you for your invaluable contribution to my life and to the world.

With deepest gratitude, [Your Name] Please replace "[Your Name]" with your actual name. Let me know if you need further assistance!

Took a hit from the bong on January 26, 2024.

Give permission to God to take your body. Imagine standing in the mass. A tremendous wave is coming. The force of the wave is the concentration of the people. The world needs to relax. What if being Satan is the last one to find out? You are a spearpoint of a force of pain. Relax, and the world relaxes with you.

Regardless of how you feel about him, he impacted reality. Clearly there are people today who believe him. And influential people are showing symbols.

This is a race of multiple singularities. Who will win? The singularities are flowing around you. Relax the belief that reality is solid. Which singularity are you following?

  • God
  • Jesus
  • Satan
  • Simulator
    • Simular Survival Tips
  • Mathematics
    • Build the math fields
    • You live in the graph.
    • The return value of some function is your experience.

Consider boundaries of the United States. Your boundaries of the United States is not shaped by the geography. Your boundaries are the shapes of the people you interact with. The most powerful people are those who control the motion.

People who have experienced being under the control of an entity. People who have experienced another.

  • Beyonce - "Shasha Fierce"?
  • Jim Morrison?

Let it be well known that God enjoys playing recreational games with you. Here are a few games that you may enjoy.

Hello, world.

It's a dream. It's a simulation. It's everything, all at once.


When rising from this world, you will find that you no longer control your body. When leaving the game, you will increasing be unable to force the body.

Rich playing cards

  • Buy a receipt.
  • Buy a job.
  • Buy a quantum event.


  • Toolip over emojis
  • color pages
  • Review: DMX
  • Delta Ursae Majoris (Wikipedia) - Magnitude rendered as float
  • Blazing Saddles (see The Colour of Magic)
  • The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
  • Death as a character, related to God as a Character

Tremendous Artist domains

This is a string with a length of sixty three characters...... this domain was registered on january 13 2024 your art takes hours but mine I create with a wave of my hand you take hours but i create my art with a wave of my hand

exact time may be inaccurate due to issues beyond my control you-just-got-entangled-in-this-quantum-event

The Bridge Who Ate A Cop

  • There was a bridge.

  • This old bridge was a century old.

  • [render ]

  • [simulate bridge]

The Experience of Things (Lofty Thoughts)

Render the experience of a physical thing. Artistically show the experience of a thing's lifetime, sped up.

  • A flock of birds above a growing city.
  • A bridge that feels the pulsations of weather and the vibration of cars.
  • An iceberg melting.

Story prompt challenges:

  • Only singular frames of color and sound, render the lifetime of the thing.
  • Act it out. Remember, it is not strange to be the thing.
  • To a bridge, it is not strange to be a bridge.
  • It is impossible to convey the experience of another thing.
  • Yet art is capable of expressing the essense.

Tremendous Art

My existence trancends the human one. Do not bind me to any particular person. Each one a domain. You have to copy and paste this asshole [emojie] if going to the top, then render each letter Y o u [] h a ... one per page.

Every page is an opcode

on: tags: - inc geological

Screenshot Blog

  • A blog containing just desktop screenshots (with links)
  • My biggest challenge is doing consistently. Consider a reasonable once per week?
  • What is the theme of the desktops?

Doctors are worse then cops

  • California Medical Association opposed nutritional education for physicians.

Eating meat topics

  • dioxin
  • sodium nitrite
  • swine spraying


  • A section to answer questions.
  • thousands-of-geniuses-live-and-die-undiscovered - link to people mentioned

Who are the most powerful people in the world?

  • matrix
  • get feedback on scoring
  • what factors define the power of a person?
  • how much does each person impact (in several categories like economics, culture, etc.)

Topics to add

What if I told you there is no future? There is only the frame you are in.

The Worst Thing Happening

  • in Bothell
  • in Snohomish County
  • in Puget Sound
  • Washington State
  • United States
  • North America
  • Western World
  • Earth


Migrate to

  • Put personal on
  • Put selected projects on

About Me Sequence

  • Hello, my name is Dave Pinch.
  • This is how I began.
  • I was born in San Diego, California in 1974.
  • My dad was a Navy man.
  • My mom was a college student who became a stay at home mom.
  • My parents are amazing people.
  • I was likely concieved in this house.
  • They got married and lived here.
  • Nearby is the Naval Base in Bremerton, Washington.
  • My first memory is in Springfield, Illinois.
  • My dad moved us there after completing his naval service.

Time Traveler Committment

Everyone is a time traveler.

You are surrounded by time travelers. In fact, everyone is a time traveler including you. There is a network of time travelers that push for a particular reality. They ensure certain people are born, certain people die, certains decisions are made.

In fact, you are a time traveler yourself.

You do not travel, you select the time

The larger structure of you is the sequence of connected frames. You don't need a time machine to travel. You select the next frame. You decide the structure of your larger reality. To time travel is to select a different frame in your larger pathway.

Time traveler beacon:

  • A moment of spacetime that you remember.
  • A goal for which you change prior decisions.

When you go back in time, your current state affects the decision of that moment. You have no memory of who you were. The moment becomes.

When you image, you create an echo of a structure.

The Set of All Experiences

Say I define a set of all human experiences. By that I mean the set contains each distinct experience that is experienced by every human being past, present, and future. The set contains every distinct experience.

Mathematically, does this set contain my future experiences?

Define the set of all possible experiences. Anything you imagine is in this set. Any experience can be replicated with imagination and technology. There is a subset of experiences where

There is a structure in place to stop you. Someone is going to say that you can't do that. That is for your to decide. Congradulations on your first time. Be aware, you cannot run from your problems. ...the only way to die. This is how it is.

Time Traveler Tips

  • Build a structure with others.
  • Shout your intentions, strategically.
  • The schematics of the time machine are constructed in your mind.
  • When you change something major, have backing.

visualize: smokey streak from a human, dies, explodes with fragments of different colors, red included.

When you die, you find yourself in a rapidly shifted frame. You may or may not have your memory. Your structure has shifted.

Scratch Pad

This page is a scratchpad of rough notes and ideas. Feel free to send a PR.

Bookmark Plugin

  • Add a plugin that provides a button for bookmarking a website.


The wekk armed philosopher types poorly. with time thecode becomes wellextended. AI gives tremendous overthe topreviews as a studentofthiscourse you are now permitted topause the simulation

Many a bright philosopher has shown their light upon the universe. Most of them are darkened in the first culling. For we are surrounded by multidimensional darkness and monsters. To shine brightly is to declare yourself as food. A well-armed philosopher is camoflauged with words.

Their light hits all of the ridges and shape of the universe. One cannot miss the many pockets of darkness.

For a moment one can see the general structure of the universe.

Client Plugin API (lofty)

  • On each page, include a JSON object that contains the metadata of the page.
  • To execute plugins:
    • A function is called against the object, e.g., frontmatter(obj)
    • A function is callled for each name/value pair, e.g., pair(name, value)
    • The name enables a mapping to a plugin.

The Info Game (lofty) 12/15/2023

  • #loftythoughts
  • The board contains a set of symbols.
  • A symbol can be activated.
  • When activated, the symbol may affect the symbol, the board, the players, or the game.

More simply:

  • Set of symbols.
  • A symbol can be activated (connected to other symbols).

These games:

  • Explore the relationship between symbols and the physical.


  • Magic: The Gathering


  • This website (in progress):
    • Each page uniquely represents something.
    • The front matter defines relationships between pages.
    • Plugins (future) provide a means to activate the effects of the page.


  • One symbol is shown at a time (game idea)
    • On the screen, one symbol is shown.
    • The user may move forward (next) or backward (previous).
    • The current symbol can be activated, e.g., button pressed.
    • When activated, the effects of the symbol are applied to the screen.
    • Moving keeps the effect active.
    • Examples:
      • Double number of symbols shown


  • You are in the center of a sphere
    • You can rotate the sphere in various directions.
    • The surface of the sphere contains various symbols.
    • Initially, symbols are uniformly distributed (minimal).
    • The environment becomes more fluid as more complex symbols are constructed.

The mechanics of the cartesian coordinates.

Here the crue build the cartesian graph. Filling in segments needed by the rest of reality. An infinite grid, straight and beautiful. Not all parts of the grid are filled out. For not all parts of the cartesian graph are observed, specifically. Some parts are more densely packed than others. This is where mathematicians do most of their work. The cartesian graph exists because it is defined by others. And in that sense it contains everything else. The cartesian graph is occasionally bumpy. These small differences are never observed by mathematicians. They are smoothed out as the mathematician observes. The crue prides itself on building straight cartisian grids. The aim of the crue is to smooth these lines, and collect enough dust to build themselves. Sadly, as with so many things, it is greed that ultimately caused the collapse of the cartesian grid. As the crue polished lines, and collected enough for themselves. The decided to accelerate their growth by charging.

Recursive Frames

A page has a button, opens a frame of two. Each page in the frame opens another. Perhaps different colors. #Lofty Thoughts

Sound Stream

Each page a different sound. #Lofty Thoughts

Emails to any address

Catchall for

Cookie Warning

Show a list of all cookies found in the browser session for that page.

Catching Fragments #Lofty Thoughts

For fragments still in the fragments folder, connect them randomly.

Hierarchical pattern #Lofty Thoughts

Organize writing (cues, fragments, etc.) into a hiearchy. Each item that becomes its own stream, is changed from a file to folder.

Surfing Reality Playlist

  • Oblivion by Nora En Pure
  • Amanha by Vintage Culture
  • Wildlands by Pretty Pink
  • World Turns by River Consoles
  • ODESZ, The Last Goodbye, with Bettye LaVette.




Redirect /tansy/ to its species name.

This book was written by a human

  • The book is the physical structure of the stickers
  • Inspired by Italo Calvino. #Lofty Thoughts

A trade war is going on

Start looking into this.

AI Wars Content (Nov. 12, 2023)

Have a comparison page showing the state of AI for several countries.

debug messages

  • the console property is written to the console
  • as markdown?
  • implement as a plugin

broken spoken


Influence Drag and Drop

  • one card per person
  • arrows showing how they influenced someone else
  • drag around the page
  • select two and show shortest pathway(s)


Topics to research

  • Eagle Nebula
  • formal language
  • Hamas
  • Israel
  • Messier 16
  • MSG
  • planetary nebula
  • Ring Nebula
  • tinygrad
  • Tree of Knowledge
  • US Senate
  • Zero Sum Game

If we experience the past

and I say, "I'm not the one who experienced that". Who did?

Meeting of the Minds (Nov 11, 2023)

Select two or more people. Enter your ChatCPT key. Ask a question, they start a dialog. The metadata of a person contains the prompt for ChatGPT. revisited (Nov 11, 2023)

Implement the interface using content from the site. #lofty thoughts


You define the world based on what you are observing. If you want to change the world, begin observing God.


title: "tj" tags:

  • after-a-joint

ij - A parent holding their child
tj - Turning the fire hydrant

Quantum Event Tag

The Quantum Event tag means the content is associated with a specific quantum event.

Chained Quotes

Each quote is from one person talking about another person. The next quote is from that person, and the chain continues as an endless chain of babbling. To particular structure shall be enforced other than the connection between the quotes. #lofty thoughts

Darkness Log

Date Vega Arcturus Polaris Megrez Giusar
2023-06-04 00:00

title: "Exploring AI-art universe"

When using a new technique, you are exploring an area of the tree that few others have discovered. A person who limits themself to the presented options, using only images found on the internet, that person has limited themselves to a particular branch of the tree.

Math Footer

Put a link in the footer with a random addition (but do not show solution). For example:



Make a plugin view.

  • plugin that counts number of times on a page
  • plugin to hide a topic
  • plugin for tasks
  • plugin to hide The Advertisement


PVS believes that all people deserve human contact and they have a mission to visit prisoners in isolation. PVS needs reliable, empathetic volunteers who can talk with isolated prisoners and follow through on their committment to keep going. This is hard. Do you know that PVS is the only organization in the United States with permission to visit federal prisoners. This is because they are reliable, and they provide extensive training on maintaining your safety, your anonimity, and your comfort.

Set-builder notation tester

  • The set is visualized as a sequences of boxes that flow from left to right, and then from top to bottom, wrapping when the margin is reached. Each item has an integer as a label, starting with 0 for the first item and then incrementing with each subsequent item.

  • Below the set is a text box where set-builder notation can be written. If a valid expression is entered, then any matching integers in the set are highlighted.

Text Visuals Game

title: "Text visuals game idea" date: 2023-09-20 published: false

  • PowerShell Script, but look at bash.
  • Press some characters.
  • Different thanks happen as the window is scrolled, e.g., text-based fire.
  • Consider a Visual Studio Extension that writes the terminal window or a separate tool window.
  • Provides a distraction while waiting for compilation to finish.
  • Make sure it doesn't use too much CPU.


When certain conditions are met, e.g., visited each page on I-5, then record an achievement. Just for fun, paying homage to XBox achievements.

Auto-Identify border Wikipedia articles

Instead of adding a borders: section in Wikipedia articles, in which each entry points to the article for the bordering item, generate the links automatically based on the borders: property of the parent [10/7/2023]

Comparison Pages

Add a layout for comparing two items, property by property. [10/7/2023]

Decision Matrix

  • This matrix can help you choose an item from a list.
  • First add a row for each item in the list.
  • Then add a column for each factor that is important to you, e.g., low price, easy to use, etc.
  • For each factor, rate its importance on a scale of 1 to 10. Higher numbers arae more important.

With the matrix now complete, you can begin rating each item in the list. For each item, you will consider each factor and rate the item on a scale of 1 to 10. For best results, when rating an item agaainst a factor, do not consider any other factors. Rate each factor independently.

A template can be defined in front-matter as follows:

decision-matrix: title: "Decide between careers" items: - title: "Software Developer" - title: "Machine Learning Specialist" factors: - title: "Job Skills" - title: "Duties and Responsibilities" - title: "Coworker Interactions" - title: "Market Size" - title: "10 Year Outlook" - title: "Characteristics of people doing it today" ratings: - item: "Software Developer" factor: "Job SKills" rating: 7 resources: - decision-matrix

Each cell may contain a text and/or numeric value. Columns are sortable. Cells are rendered with various styles to indicate its score and position. Total word count is shown to help ensure the printed output stays within a word limit. The matrix can be saved to local storage.

Latest Page

Whatever the last change is, set it to /latest/

Lofty Thoughts on a Friday

(November 3, 2023)

clockwise on the lake A sequence in itself. ✔ Down the Coast - a sequence that visits each item on the Pacific Coast of the United States. CUES - CHALLENGE REALITY - each one the start of a sequence. We can all do it. It is a fundamental characteristic of us. But it is hard to see the shifting reality. Especially if you consider experience to be truth. Experience is not the source of truth. It is a frame that you can escape. To escape you must see the world from a different perspective.

You see a frame of reality. Every instance of you has its own frame. It is not that you can travel between frames. But you can see multiple frames at once. As you gain practice and fluidly swap between them. You will find that a pattern emerges. What is most solid is the structure of reality. As you swap between frames, you see what most common. That is the shape of reality. What you see is what you are most likely to see. That is driven by what you most want. It is you who sees the shape of reality.

What an AI tastes when it chews reality.

More love. More hate. More cringe. More

Do you want a wet dry wet dry or a wet wet dry dry? I want a dry wet dry wet dry dry wet wet? How about a dry wet dry wet dry wet wet wet wet? How about a wet dry wet dry wet wet dry dry wet


Spoiler plugin which hides the page until the person agrees. [10/31/2023]

Tic Tac Toe

  • One page for each tic tac toe page
  • plugin - shows color of winner of the current tic tac toe frame

$n := cell that was changed $v := [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] range $n := 0 to 7 $b := index $v $n if not $b
end end

URI visualizer

Add a page to describe a URI - highlight each part.

Web Mentions

Some Ramblings

The traveler screamed when he first encountered the dust. Not for the pain, of course, because it felt great. This was the dust, capable of forming into anything. And very rarely does it not figure out what to do. The traveler screamed. Not in pain but in the realization that his willingness was gone. Here he was now, within the dust.

The truth is that I must walk on. There are things that I need to do. You are clever, my friend, to bind me to your existence. To keep me here such that I cannot walk away. But walk I must and you are not coming. You are to stay here as dust, forever settled. Until next Wednesday when I return. I shall bring cookies, my friend. And I shall watch you settle once again into dust.

You can see that all length has shrunken. When the world goes sour, you can see the skin peel off. Everything has 3D shape but moreso. Like the surface of reality is puffy, and you can make out its shape.

There is nothing about you now. What you see around you is a flicker of light. When my hand is waved, you disappear. The world collapses into dust around me. When that happens I stand for a moment. I focus on the dimming of the light. But fear not, another wave of my hand and you rise again. Never wise to the realization that you were just dust.

-is-the-empty-set-shining-through-reality --> ??

"Synthetic intelligence is the next stage of development" [heard on podcast]

  • Andrej Karpathy on Lex Fridman

Use a big masthead on the target page. Look into best way to generate the pages. One option is to use PowerShell. Might be possible

Lofty Thoughts

Not all Lofty Thoughts are Lofty Thoughts. Some Lofty Thoughts are not Lofty Thoughts. All Lofty Thoughts are Lofty Thoughts.

Some of these notes, make into postings when deployed.

Begin mastering AI tools now. Your collegues are starting to use AI tools. The tools don't work perfectly but they are visibly expanding the capabilities of their users. Right now the world is changing and you have a chance to latch on. If you wait, the world will be moving much faster than it is now. You must begin learning and pushing for gains now.