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Deploying a Minimal Diego to AWS


These instructions will allow you to deploy a minimal Diego that works with the minimal CF installation instructions. The rest of these instructions will assume that you have followed the instructions from cf-release to set up a minimal CF deployment.

NOTE: This deployment is meant for instructional purposes only. It should not be used in a production setting as it does not guarantee high availability and lacks basic security configuration.


Create a Diego Subnet

  • Click on "Subnets" from the VPC Dashboard
  • Click "Create Subnet"
  • Fill in
    • Name tag: diego
    • VPC: bosh
    • Availability Zone: Pick the same Availability Zone as the bosh Subnet
      • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_SUBNET_AZ in the example manifest with the Availability Zone you chose
    • CIDR block:
    • Click "Yes, Create"
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_SUBNET_ID in the example manifest with the Subnet ID for the diego Subnet
  • Select the diego Subnet from the Subnet list
  • Click the name of the "Route table:" to view the route tables
  • Select the route table from the list
  • Click "Routes" in the bottom window
  • Click "Edit"
  • Fill in a new route
    • Destination:
    • Target: Select the NAT instance from the list
  • Click "Save"

Generate SSH Proxy Host Key and Fingerprint

Run the following to generate a host key for the SSH proxy. When prompted for the key passphrase, hit 'enter' to set no passphrase.

ssh-keygen -f ssh-proxy-host-key.pem

If the local ssh-keygen supports the -E flag, as it does on OS X 10.11 El Capitan or Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, generate the MD5 fingerprint of the public host key as follows:

ssh-keygen -lf -E md5 | cut -d ' ' -f2 | sed 's/MD5://g' > ssh-proxy-host-key-fingerprint

Otherwise, generate the MD5 fingerprint as follows:

ssh-keygen -lf | cut -d ' ' -f2 > ssh-proxy-host-key-fingerprint

The ssh-proxy-host-key.pem file contains the PEM-encoded private host key for the Diego manifest, and the ssh-proxy-host-key-fingerprint file contains the MD5 fingerprint of the public host key. You will later copy these values into stubs for generating the CF and Diego manifests.

Replace REPLACE_WITH_SSH_HOST_KEY in the example diego manifest with the contents of ssh-proxy-host-key.pem, making sure to indent the contents correctly for the YAML literal block.

Modify the CF Manifest with Diego Properties

Add the following properties to the minimal-aws.yml:

    oauth_client_id: ssh-proxy
    allow_app_ssh_access: true
    default_to_diego_backend: true
    internal_api_user: internal_user
        authorized-grant-types: authorization_code
        autoapprove: true
        override: true
        redirect-uri: /login
        scope: openid,,cloud_controller.write,cloud_controller.admin
        secret: PASSWORD

Replace REPLACE_WITH_SSH_HOST_KEY_FINGERPRINT with the contents of ssh-proxy-host-key-fingerprint.

In order to properly SSH into application instances, you will also need to add the consul_agent template to the ha_proxy_z1 job definition as follows:

- name: ha_proxy_z1
  instances: 1
  resource_pool: small_z1
  - {name: haproxy, release: cf}
  - {name: consul_agent, release: cf}
  - {name: metron_agent, release: cf}

Note: If you no longer want to be able to run applications on the DEAs, you can decrease the number of instances for the runner_z1 and hm9000_z1 jobs to 0.

Redeploy CF

In order for the above changes to take effect, you will need to redeploy your cf deployment:

bosh -d example_manifests/minimal-aws.yml deploy

Fill in the Needed Values in the Diego Manifest

You will need to make the following changes to the example diego.yml file provided:

  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_BOSH_STEMCELL_VERSION with the version of the BOSH stemcell uploaded to the director.
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_ID with the UUID obtained from running bosh status.

Some of the values come from the CF manifest constructed by modifying minimal-aws.yml:

  • Replace the properties.consul properties that begin with REPLACE_WITH with the values of properties.consul from your CF manifest.
  • Replace the properties.route_emitter.nats properties that begin with REPLACE_WITH with the values of properties.nats from your CF manifest.
  • Replace the REPLACE_WITH_ETCD_MACHINES_FROM_CF value in the properties.loggregator.etcd.machines property with the value of properties.loggregator.etcd.machines from your CF manifest.

Generate Diego Manifest from Stubs (optional)

You can also use the provided stubs to generate a diego manifest.

You will need to make the following changes to the example stubs provided:

  • stubs/iaas-settings.yml
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_SUBNET_AZ with the availability zone for the diego subnet
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_BOSH_STEMCELL_VERSION with the version of the bosh stemcell uploaded to the director
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_SUBNET_ID with the subnet-id for the diego subnet
  • stubs/property_overrides.yml
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_SSH_HOST_KEY with the contents of ssh-proxy-host-key.pem.

After replacing these values you can generate the diego manifest by running:

  ./scripts/generate-deployment-manifest -c $CF_RELEASE_DIR/example_manifests/minimal-aws.yml \
    -i $DIEGO_RELEASE_DIR/examples/minimal-aws/stubs/iaas-settings.yml \
    -p $DIEGO_RELEASE_DIR/examples/minimal-aws/stubs/property_overrides.yml \
    -n $DIEGO_RELEASE_DIR/examples/minimal-aws/stubs/instance_count_overrides.yml

Upload Diego Bosh Releases

In order to successfully deploy diego, you will need to upload the following bosh releases:

bosh upload release
bosh upload release
bosh upload release
bosh upload release

Deploy Diego

bosh -d examples/minimal-aws/diego.yml deploy