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Kafka Streams Foreign Key Joins

This example demonstrates how two Debezium change data topics can be joined via Kafka Streams, using the new foreign key join feature in Apache Kafka 2.4 (KIP-213). It accompanies the blog post Understanding Non-Key Joins With the Quarkus Extension for Kafka Streams.

The source database contains two tables, customers and addresses, with a foreign key relationship from the latter to the former, i.e. a customer can have multiple addresses.

Using Kafka Streams, the change event topics for both tables are loaded into two KTables, which are joined on the customer id. Each insertion, update or deletion of a record on either side will re-trigger the join.

The stream processing application is implemented using the Quarkus stack and its Kafka Streams extension. Amongst other things, this allows building a native binary of each service, resulting in significantly less memory usage and faster start-up than the JVM-based version.


Prepare the Java components by first performing a Maven build.

$ mvn clean package -f aggregator/pom.xml


Setup the necessary environment variables

$ export QUARKUS_BUILD=jvm

The DEBEZIUM_VERSION specifies which version of Debezium artifacts should be used. The QUARKUS_BUILD specifies whether docker-compose will build containers using Quarkus in JVM or Native modes. The default is jvm for JVM mode but native can also be specified to build Quarkus native containers. Please refer to the Quarkus documentation for details around building native binaries.

Start the demo

Start all components:

$ docker-compose up --build

This executes all configurations set forth by the docker-compose.yaml file.

Configure the Debezium connector

Register the connector that to stream outbox changes from the order service:

$ http PUT http://localhost:8083/connectors/inventory-connector/config < register-postgres.json

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Review the outcome

Examine the joined events using kafkacat:

$ docker run --tty --rm \
    --network kstreams-fk-join-network \ \
    kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -o beginning -q \
    -t customers-with-addresses | jq .

Useful Commands

Getting a session in the Postgres DB of the "order" service:

$ docker run --tty --rm -i \
        --network kstreams-fk-join-network \ \
        bash -c 'pgcli postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/postgres'

E.g. to update a customer record:

update inventory.customers set first_name = 'Sarah' where id = 1001;

Running the Aggregator Service in Dev Mode

When working on the aggregator application, running it directly on your host (instead of via Docker Compose) using the Quarkus dev mode is the recommended approach. For that

  • add - ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME=<YOUR HOST IP> to the environment section of the "kafka" service in the Docker Compose file.
  • run the Docker Compose set-up without the aggregator service, e.g.: docker-compose up --scale aggregator=0
  • run the aggregator app in dev mode, specifying your IP as advertised host, e.g.: mvn compile quarkus:dev -Dkafka.bootstrap.servers=<YOUR HOST IP>:9092 -Dquarkus.http.port=8079

Any code changes will immediately picked up after reloading the application in the web browser.