- Upgraded Coercion dependency
- Upgraded PHPStan to v2
- Sorted out attribute value types
- Tidied boolean logic
- Fixed Exceptional syntax
- Added PHP8.4 to CI workflow
- Made PHP8.4 minimum version
- Fixed implicit nullable arguments
- Added @phpstan-require-implements constraints
- Updated dependencies
- Converted Writer node consts to enum
- Updated depdency versions
- Added JsonSerializable to Markup interface
- Made PHP8.1 minimum version
- Updated Atlas dependency
- Migrated to use effigy in CI workflow
- Fixed PHP8.1 testing
- Added offsetGet return type
- Updated composer check script
- Updated Collections dependency
- Fixed attribute stringification in Writer
- Updated CI environment
- Added concrete types to all members
- Removed PHP7 compatibility
- Updated ECS to v11
- Updated PHPUnit to v9
- Transitioned from Travis to GHA
- Updated PHPStan and ECS dependencies
- Improved return type hints
- Updated Atlas dependency
- Updated Collections
- Ported codebase from Tagged
- Updated for max PHPStan conformance