- Upgraded Coercion dependency
- Upgraded PHPStan to v2
- Added @phpstan-require-implements constraints
- Updated dependencies
- Tidied boolean logic
- Fixed Exceptional syntax
- Added PHP8.4 to CI workflow
- Made PHP8.4 minimum version
- Converted consts to protected PascalCase
- Updated Veneer dependency and Stub
- Fixed Manifold property in PHP8.2+
- Updated Veneer dependency
- Fixed Veneer stubs in gitattributes
- Updated Archetype dependency
- Made PHP8.1 minimum version
- Updated default ENV handling
- Refactored package file structure
- Converted phpstan doc comments to generic
- Fixed final custom provider loop on shutdown
- Fixed final packet not read on process terminate
- Disabled 0 byte write error check
- Allow Stringable in array commands
- Fixed custom provideInput() ticker
- Use /dev/null for background manifold
- Fixed DataReceiver empty write error check
- Added Deliverance Broker interfaces to Commands / Controllers
- Fixed run() calls over non TTY CLI sapis
- Added Command interface structure
- Added Manifold / Controller interface structure
- Added custom Controller structure
- Moved timezone and locale plugins to Cosmos
- Refactored OS interface
- Reverted PTY usage
- Switched to PTY for decoratable commands
- Added signal controls to launchers
- Added signal passing to Unix launcher
- Migrated to use effigy in CI workflow
- Added exit code handling to process results
- Simplified launcher interfaces
- Added Stringable to launcher interfaces
- Fixed PHP8.1 testing
- Added Terminus STTY passthrough support
- Updated Veneer plugin handling
- Fixed $os plugin loading in process plugin
- Updated Veneer stub
- Updated composer check script
- Converted Veneer plugins to load with Attributes
- Updated CI environment
- Added concrete types to all members
- Removed PHP7 compatibility
- Updated ECS to v11
- Updated PHPUnit to v9
- Transitioned from Travis to GHA
- Updated PHPStan and ECS dependencies
- Updated Veneer dependency
- Added Veneer IDE support stub
- Swapped Atlas for Deliverance
- Updated for max PHPStan conformance
- Enabled PHP8 testing
- Switched to Fluidity for Then dependency
- Applied full PSR12 standards
- Added PSR12 check to Travis build
- Improved readme
- Updated PHPStan
- Updated to Veneer 0.6
- Switched to Glitch Proxy incomplete()
- Updated glitch-support
- Removed Glitch dependency
- Switched to Exceptional for exception generation
- Switched to Glitch Dumpable interface
- Updated Composer dependency handling
- Renamed launcher IO broker methods
- Added canColorShell() helper
- Hide errors from tput
- Updated user handling in Unix launcher
- Added PHPStan support
- Bugfixes and updates from max level PHPStan scan
- Added r7 Multiplexer import support
- Added input generator to process launcher
- Added decoratable flag to launcher
- Added default path for HTTP process launching
- Various bug fixes in process launcher
- Added Atlas Io Broker support to Process Launcher
- Added shell width and height fetcher
- Added general Facade interface
- Added locale plugin
- Added timezone plugin
- Added process launcher and manager system