Hi! I trained the model just as you directed, but the model generation is very very bad.It can not even speak a complete sentence...And when I train step3, its reward score is nan.What happened when training?
Please help me......Thanks very much!
Just like this:
|E2E latency=3.25s |Gather latency=0.00s (0.00%) |Generate time=2.35s (72.45%) |Training time=0.77s (23.71%) |Others=0.12 (3.84%)|CurSamplesPerSec=1.23 |AvgSamplesPerSec=1.00
[2023-04-15 05:51:04,058] [INFO] []
Grad overflow on iteration 1860
[2023-04-15 05:51:04,058] [INFO] [] Reducing dynamic loss scale from 1 to 1
[2023-04-15 05:51:04,058] [INFO] [] [Rank 0] Overflow detected. Skipping step. Attempted loss scale: 1, reducing to 1
[2023-04-15 05:51:04,174] [INFO] []
Grad overflow on iteration 1860
[2023-04-15 05:51:04,174] [INFO] [] Reducing dynamic loss scale from 1 to 1
[2023-04-15 05:51:04,174] [INFO] [] [Rank 0] Overflow detected. Skipping step. Attempted loss scale: 1, reducing to 1
epoch: 0|step: 3721|ppo_ep: 1|act_loss: nan|cri_loss: nan|unsuper_loss: 0.0
average reward score: nan
I noticed that:
[] Reducing dynamic loss scale from 1 to 1
Is the GPU memory too small?
The chat example:
------------------------------ Round 1 ------------------------------ Human: Hello! Assistant: I’m sorry, I’m not sure Enter input (type 'quit' to exit, 'clear' to clean memory): What is your name? ------------------------------ Round 2 ------------------------------
Human: Hello!
Assistant: I’m sorry, I’m not sure
Human: What is your name?
Assistant: I
Enter input (type 'quit' to exit, 'clear' to clean memory): Can you speak?
------------------------------ Round 3 ------------------------------ [2/1813] Human: Hello!
Assistant: I’m sorry, I’m not sure
Human: What is your name?
Assistant: I
Human: Can you speak?
Assistant: I
Enter input (type 'quit' to exit, 'clear' to clean memory): I think you are saying I?What happened to you?
------------------------------ Round 4 ------------------------------
Human: Hello!
Assistant: I’m sorry, I’m not sure
Human: What is your name?
Assistant: I
Human: Can you speak?
Assistant: I
Human: I think you are saying I?What happened to you?
Assistant: I
Enter input (type 'quit' to exit, 'clear' to clean memory):
My Device:
single-GPU 1x3090 24GB
batch_size 4 for training and eval.
python 3.8.0
deepspeed 0.9.0
huggingface-hub 0.5.1
pytorch 1.12.1 py3.8_cuda11.3_cudnn8.3.2_0
transformers 4.20.0
Thanks for your answering!