All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- debug mongo only if LOGGING_MONGO set to „true“ (c51b119)
- 🐛 ensure procedure id is a valid mongo ObjectId (4c7b22b)
- ✨ add conference weeks for 2024 (f386ea3)
- 🐛 filter empty deputies (93ac512)
- 🐛 fix save token (00b33da)
- 🐛 save push token (2ca60b7)
- 🐛 log addToken tasks (4029429)
- 🐛 fix add new push tokens (d07ebcd)
- 🐛 replace device token os with fcm when it's android (9aee02f)
- reset Dockerfile (530375a)
0.2.61 (2023-01-10)
- 🚨 fix project settings in eslint config (03152e8)
- 🐛 fix version number of docker image and pull request (f2d0b59)
- 🚀 create new release and docker image on dispatch action (7f3b9a0)
- 🚀 open a pull request for infrastructure repository (4d64fee)
- ✨ add husky with commitlint to enable conventional commits (24a68bb)
- 🚀 create new release and docker image on dispatch action (7f3b9a0)
- ✨ add husky with commitlint to enable conventional commits (24a68bb)
- [Fix] WOM Constituency fix sort procedures
- [Changed] add procedureId as id type for vote mutation
- [Fix] dataloader procedure id handling
- [Changed] add dataloader to graphql resolver procedures.voted
- [Changed] decouple cronjob push-send-queued
- [Changed] decouple cronjobs
- [Fix] use mongoose instance from democracy-common
- [Changed] start to decouple cronjobs
- [NoChange] Tried successless to fix 1.2.2 crash
- [Changed] Throw more clear errors on create new device error
- [Changed] remove unnecessary console logs
- [Changed] allow file path AND string for APN key
- [FIX] Auto reconnect mongo
- [Changed] Convert js to typescript
- [FIX] Push for vote results
- [FIX] Push queue memory issue
- [FIX] Push memory issue
- [ADD] conferenceWeek api endpoint
- [FIX] Named Polls import
- [FIX] Memory issue by disabling apollo query cache
- [Changed] Return new list Types for Procedures
- [FIX] Android: Fix Push notifications
- [Added] Query CommunityVotes for browser version
- [Fix] Named polls party names
- [Added] Queries for statistic
- [Changed] Filter performance for not-/voted
- [Removed] Deprecated graphql field goverment #438
- [Fixed] Search Button fix #248
- [Fix] Remove id from Procedure.voteResults.PartyVotes subobject to fix unnecessary Push notifications
- [Fix] more dynamic connection whitelisting
- [Added] Catch all errors and log them
- [Changed] JWT Header based authentification
- [Added] DEBUG environment variable
- [Added] Permissions for User-only and VerifiedUser-only requests
- [Added] IP-Whitelist controll for hooks
- [Added] SMS Verification
- [Added] Logger
- [Added] FractionResults
- [Add] Sorting for Procedures
- [GraphQL] add Query: getProceduresById
- [Fixed] Start even if no valid APPLE_APN_KEY is present #462
- [Fixed] add internal lane topic for push notifications
- [Changed] scrape bt-agenda
show time - get estimated vote result from bundestagio
- fix sorting for list (voteDate)
- [Added] Add support for scraping currentState history
- [Search] Use elastic-search server #248
- handle removed vote results #325
- lock graphiql via config
- webhook
- do a daily resync with the server
- removed count as integrity measurement
- graphQL
- also provide votedGoverment(votedGovernment) for backwards compatibility (client <= 0.7.5)
- graphQL
- always import the correct voteDate for Anträge & Gesetze
- graphQL
- Include "Abgelehnt" and "Angenommen" in Voting-List & unified procedureState definition #306
- Resync with on procedures gte 19
- Parameterized the period to be displayed/used
- pushNotifications
- Disabled pushNotifications due to non-functionality
- graphQL
- Procedure resolver: procedures
- Fix order ( first votedate and add by last update ) #280
- Procedure resolver: procedures