- Breaking changes:
- useCallback removed
- React 19 required
- Breaking changes in ActionArea:
- currentPathAndQuery property, and new functionality around detecting links as current
- Inactive ActionArea is now a div and not a span
- Error when trying to use cross-origin download links.
- New Action for ActionArea: replace.
- useCrashCaught
- forwardClick: e.handled = true feature to prevent false positives through portals
- sort: numbersBehindStrings
- sort: allow the key function to return a tuple of keys
- sort allows the key function to return a list of keys
- Require React 18, Node 18, npm 8
- sort
- forwardClick: recognizes role attribute
- Export more specific Action* types for ActionArea
- useShowRenders
- useInputWithDraftState: setInputValue
- ErrorBoundary: renderError form
- fixup 9.2.1 type location
- node: esm now does not require experimental-specifier-resolution=node
- node: include CommonJS for compatibility with some dev servers
- node: now can import as an esm module
- ActionArea: does not show disabled, when pointing to a new window
- ErrorBoundary: component gets the Error details
- Breaking: useInputWithDraftState onChange renamed to onChangesDone
- Spinner: delayedMs option
- ActionArea: use disabledReason instead of “disabled”
- ActionArea: renderSpan option to customize span rendering
- ActionArea: renderButton option to customize button rendering
- ActionArea: changed the way styles are injected into the document, can affect some specificity overrides
- license-tool: fix working on projects without Webpack
- ActionArea: renderLink option to customize link rendering
- Fixup in useDismissElement
- Add useDismissElement
- Add useInputWithDraftState
- ActionArea: improve rels and referrer
- ActionArea: nicer error message when action is missing
- permanence: renders children on the screen even without parent
- color: remove color utilities. Consider ui-colors instead.
- ActionArea: add noreferrer on external links.
- makePermanence
- Breaking: removed default Spinner looks
- routing: initRouting takes a few options to customize
- routing: handle download links correctly
- routing: scroll to top on navigation
- Spinner: delayed prop
- routing: Redirect avoids a blink during rerender
- ErrorBoudary: now receives componentStack
- routing: links with targets are allowed
- is404OurFault
- ActionArea style prop
- Support and require React 17
- forwardClick: respect aria-role
- ErrorBoundary: reset on navigation
- ErrorBoundary: fallback option
- UnderConstruction: inline option
- UnderConstruction: onlyWhen
- Implement tree-shaking
- Add color functions
- ActionArea: title
- useRerender: expose in the main export
- OnlyClientSide
- Support IE11 syntactically
- maintenance release
- useClickOutside: switch from mousedown to click event
- useClickOutside: allow multiple areas
- routing: handleLinkClicks
- smartOutline: works with pseudo-elements
- smartOutline: does not crash in non-window env
- Add useRerenderEvery
- Fix ActionArea new window links not using noopener
- Fix Spinner sometimes having timing issues
- Add download feature to ActionArea
- Add routing
- Add Spinner
- Add useCatchAsync