When running a test with an op/resource sanitization failure, a message is printed in the output:
To get more details where ops were leaked, run again with --trace-ops flag.
However, when sanitizers are disabled for some, but not all related test steps, using the suggested CLI argument offers no additional detail. Depending on the test runner implementation, this might be reasonable, but it's not intuitive why it seems ineffective and appears to be a bug without more documentation/context.
Here's a minimal, reproducible example (contrived, but based on another test I was debugging that's far too verbose to include here — the mechanics are similar):
import { delay } from "[email protected]/async/delay.ts";
Deno.test(async function example(ctx) {
let timerPromise: Promise<void>;
await ctx.step({
name: "starts and cancels timer",
fn: async () => {
const controller = new AbortController();
await Promise.race([
timerPromise = delay(1000, { signal: controller.signal })
.catch(() => {/* Ignore */}),
sanitizeOps: false,
sanitizeResources: false,
await ctx.step({
name: "awaits timer",
fn: () => timerPromise,
Terminal outputs:
% deno --version
deno 1.34.3 (release, aarch64-apple-darwin)
typescript 5.0.4
Without --trace-ops
% deno test example.test.ts
running 1 test from ./example.test.ts
example ...
starts and cancels timer ... ok (14ms)
awaits timer ... FAILED (7ms)
example ... FAILED (due to 1 failed step) (26ms)
example ... awaits timer => ./example.test.ts:21:13
error: Leaking async ops:
- 1 async operation to sleep for a duration was started before this test, but was completed during the test. Async operations should not complete in a test if they were not started in that test.
This is often caused by not cancelling a `setTimeout` or `setInterval` call.
To get more details where ops were leaked, run again with --trace-ops flag.
example ... awaits timer => ./example.test.ts:21:13
FAILED | 0 passed (1 step) | 1 failed (1 step) (36ms)
error: Test failed
With --trace-ops
% deno test --trace-ops example.test.ts
running 1 test from ./example.test.ts
example ...
starts and cancels timer ... ok (13ms)
awaits timer ... FAILED (6ms)
example ... FAILED (due to 1 failed step) (25ms)
example ... awaits timer => ./example.test.ts:21:13
error: Leaking async ops:
- 1 async operation to sleep for a duration was started before this test, but was completed during the test. Async operations should not complete in a test if they were not started in that test.
This is often caused by not cancelling a `setTimeout` or `setInterval` call.
example ... awaits timer => ./example.test.ts:21:13
FAILED | 0 passed (1 step) | 1 failed (1 step) (35ms)
error: Test failed
And here's a diff of those two outputs to make the comparison more obvious:
-% deno test example.test.ts
+% deno test --trace-ops example.test.ts
running 1 test from ./example.test.ts
example ...
- starts and cancels timer ... ok (14ms)
- awaits timer ... FAILED (7ms)
-example ... FAILED (due to 1 failed step) (26ms)
+ starts and cancels timer ... ok (13ms)
+ awaits timer ... FAILED (6ms)
+example ... FAILED (due to 1 failed step) (25ms)
example ... awaits timer => ./example.test.ts:21:13
error: Leaking async ops:
- 1 async operation to sleep for a duration was started before this test, but was completed during the test. Async operations should not complete in a test if they were not started in that test.
This is often caused by not cancelling a `setTimeout` or `setInterval` call.
-To get more details where ops were leaked, run again with --trace-ops flag.
example ... awaits timer => ./example.test.ts:21:13
-FAILED | 0 passed (1 step) | 1 failed (1 step) (36ms)
+FAILED | 0 passed (1 step) | 1 failed (1 step) (35ms)
error: Test failed