User Story - Business Need
Generate email template html and text once and use substitution for personalization.
- Ticket is understood, and QA has been contacted (if the ticket has a QA label).
User Story(ies)
As a VA Notify client
I want my template to be locked in when I've hit the save button
So that any changes on the VA Notify side do not affect the emails I send
Additional Info and Resources
- Python property
Acceptance Criteria
generates the html if it does not exist, otherwise it returns the html -
generates the text if it does not exist, otherwise it returns the text - Personalization is substituted correctly into the saved html and text when the email is sent
- Personalization does not change the template record
- This work is added to the sprint review slide deck (key win bullet point and demo slide)
QA Considerations
Email recipients should experience no difference between pre and post deployment of this work.
Potential Dependencies
- Database fields
- Portal needs to save data to the