User Story - Business Need
We require a new table for country code number and string. This is to facilitate attaching a country to SMS Senders which is necessary for international sms.
- Ticket is understood, and QA has been contacted (if the ticket has a QA label).
User Story(ies)
As a VA Notify dev
I want a table to track country code mappings
So that we can use this relational data for SMS Senders
Additional Info and Resources
Wiki link on the subject.
Acceptance Criteria
- New table created
- Table has three rows: id (smallint), country_digits (smallint), and country_name(char(2))
- 1 row added that includes the US e.g. (0, 1, US) as part of the migration
- This work is added to the sprint review slide deck (key win bullet point and demo slide)
QA Considerations
Potential Dependencies
Out of Scope