User Story - Business Need
When we receive an identifier to our POST notification endpoint we want to use all the previously identified Celery tasks necessary and chain them together using aiobotocore. This combined with the deliver_sms work will allow 100% of SMS requests to bypass the notification-api ECS service.
- Sync with Kyle when ticket is picked up.
- Ticket is understood, and QA has been contacted (if the ticket has a QA label).
User Story(ies)
As a backend engineer
I want to prepare an envelope for the identified Celery tasks from the API
So that we can work on implementing the sms route in the ENP repo
Additional Info and Resources
- aiobotocore repo
- Previous work identified which Celery tasks needed to be chained, so this will correctly chain them.
Acceptance Criteria
, anddeliver_sms
chain works as expected -
, anddeliver_sms
chain works as expected - This work is added to the sprint review slide deck (key win bullet point and demo slide)
QA Considerations
This should result in the same output as the notification-api.
Potential Dependencies
Determine Celery tasks necessary based on incoming request.
Out of Scope
Replacing any functionality of the Celery tasks.