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Change Request: Switch to new endpoints for Medications (get_all_rxs and likely others) #10570




1.) Requestor's Name and Email

Kay Lawyer; [email protected]

2.) PO's Name and Email

Kay Lawyer; [email protected]

3.) VA Team

Health products

4.) What is the name of the project or change?

Update Rx/Medication endpoints in mobile to match web

5.) Please explain what problem you are trying to solve.

We are working toward MVP release for integration with Oracle Health data in June. One of the things that has been an open item is switching endpoints in the vets-api mobile controller to the same end points used by web for Medications.

For example, web is using the get_all_rxs method on the prescriptions client (mobile is using get_rx_history or something like that). a couple of years ago, the get_all_rxs method started using a different endpoint from the MHV medications service (went live last summer). We need the mobile app to start consuming that same endpoint and move off of the old endpoint. This will enable Oracle Health medications to be seen and refilled in VAHB as well as ensure data parity between web and mobile.

There are likely some other changes needed to get parity with web on what data is being called and displayed. I was not exactly sure where your tickets are captured and what to enter.

6.) Please explain how this change would work.

Changing the endpoints would make the same data available to Veterans as is in web.

7.) Features Impacted

Rx list and Rx refill

8.) Please include all relevant documentation links for this change request.

9.) Does your team have all the necessary materials (documents, designs, processes, analytics, APIs, etc) in place for Mobile to make these changes right now?


10.) Has this change been discussed with VAHB POs (Ryan or Don)?


11.) Has this change been agreed upon by all impacted VA Stakeholders?


12.) Is there a hard deadline associated with this request?





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