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[EPIC] Reusable Q&A on Benefit Hubs, Campaign Landing Pages & documentation #10780

26 of 28 issues completed




#8630 implemented reusable Single Q&A nodes on Resources & Support. In the spirit of COPE (Create once, Publish everywhere), we want to make it easy for other teams building on CMS content to add Q&A nodes to their content.

We will pilot the approach ourselves by:

  • Documenting the process to add Reusable Q&A to a content type & its template(s)
  • Verifying the documentation: we will follow the runbook steps to add reusable Single Q&A nodes on:
    • Benefit Hubs
    • Campaign Landing Pages

The next immediate priority for Q&A is to make them available on Vet Centers. Our documentation can then be used by the Facilities team for that project.

Benefit hubs
Does not currently include Q&A mechanism, new paradigm for presentation on this content type.

Campaign Landing Pages
Currently includes option to add FAQ as one-off Q&A entry.

Node form screenshots

Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 3 43 27 PM

Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 3 43 50 PM

User Story or Problem Statement

  • As an editor, I want to reuse existing Single Q&A nodes on additional types of content

Affected users and stakeholders

  • CMS editors of Benefit Hub content (SWC)
  • CMS editors of Campaign Landing Page content (VBO editors(?))
  • CMS editors of Vet Center content (Vet Center editors)
  • Developers of new Next.js content build, PW teams
  • Veterans looking for information

Change management triage

The change represented by this user story will:

  • Be a site-wide change to appearance or key functionality (such as log-in process)
  • Be a specific change that requires more than 30 minutes of work by a user to meet a publishing requirement
  • Remove a piece of functionality (such as restricting editing functions, or “hardening”)
  • Require action by some or all users by a specific deadline
  • Change the front end and be highly visible to the public
  • Noticeable performance improvements (publishing speed, predictability)

Design principles


  • Single source of truth: Increase reliability and consistency of content on by providing a single source of truth.
  • Accessible, plain language: Provide guardrails and guidelines to ensure content quality.
  • Purposely structured content: Ensure Content API can deliver content whose meaning matches its structure.
  • Content lifecycle governance: Produce tools, processes and policies to maintain content quality throughout its lifecycle.


  • Purpose-driven: Create an opportunity to involve the editor community in VA’s mission and content strategy goals.
  • Efficient: Remove distractions and create clear, straightforward paths to get the job done.
  • Approachable: Offer friendly guidance over authoritative instruction.
  • Consistent: Reduce user’s mental load by allowing them to fall back on pattern recognition to complete tasks.
  • Empowering: Provide clear information to help editors make decisions about their work.



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    Benefit hubsCMS managed product, Public Websites teamCampaign Landing PageMarketing campaign oriented, CMS-managed product owned by Public Websites teamDrupal engineeringCMS team practice areaEpicIssue typePublic WebsitesScrum team in the Sitewide crewbackendsitewide



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