After performing a BRD Task audit the below tasks are candidates to be converted to build time tasks.
Acceptance Criteria
- Add datadog-agent user to apache group Candidate for move to Build/Image Creation
- Enable log collection by datadog-agent Candidate for move to Build/Image Creation
- Create Apache config file for datadog-agent Candidate for move to Build/Image Creation
- Create Drupal watchdog config file for datadog-agent Candidate for move to Build/Image Creation
- Restart datadog-agent service Candidate to be removed if above Datadog tasks are moved.
Implementation Details
Ansible Tasks can be found here
CMS Team
Please check the team(s) that will do this work.
Platform CMS Team
Sitewide Crew
⭐️ Sitewide CMS
⭐️ Public Websites
⭐️ Facilities
⭐️ User support