Describe the defect
Using the tablefield module, the current setting of the field being required on the paragraph makes it so that no cells can be empty. This should not be the intention of "required". It should count the fact that one or more cell have data should be enough to pass the requirement of being required.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Create or edit an existing "Benefits detail page"
- Scroll down to Main Content and add a paragraph table,
- Populate all the cells but one.
- Save the node
- See error that table field can not be empty and behold all the redness.
Expected behavior
As long as one cell is populated, it should count as not empty. Should not have to use the workaround of putting a space in every cell.
**Background investigation Done **
It is unrelated to our use of this patch I have removed the patch and get the same behaviour.
Option 1, a workaround that we've already implemented: make table field optional.
Option 2: Patch the module based on this issue that I created Part of that solution may need to incorporate a rework of this ticket too which we created the patch for, but needs some rework.
Acceptance Criteria
- Determine if there are table cells that are empty and document them