User Story or Problem Statement
AS A Veteran, Family Member, Beneficiary, or Caregiver who prefers non-English content
I WANT translated pages to be published automatically
SO THAT I can have access to content that I understand as quickly as it is ready.
AS A PO or Content Lead
I WANT the VAgov front-end to automatically publish translations for pages in Resources & Support and Benefit Hubs when they're published in the CMS
SO THAT the system is quick, sustainable, and no longer relies on a developer-dependent hard-coded workflow.
Notes and background
- Relevant issues / epics
- Public Websites has been supporting a manual translation toggle on a hard-coded, page-by-page basis via this epic: FE Translation Support #11344
- PW did some discovery into the Drupal side of translation and handed off to the CMS team: Drupal translation integration #9622
- Tim C provided analysis of how translation would work with content-build in 12186
Acceptance Criteria
- CMS changes (if needed)
- Determined whether any additional fields are needed to support automated publishing
- Designed any changes to CMS UI
- Front-end design (both R&S and Benefit Hubs)
- UX - designed any changes to the old FE toggles UI
- Design cut-over plan to ensure:
- At no time will translated pages be unavailable
- At no time will duplicate toggles be visible to Veterans
- FE implementation
- Language toggles display automatically on any page in R&S or Hubs when one or more non-English translation of that page is in the published state in Drupal
- Toggles display for each available language, including English
- Toggles do not display if only English version is available
- Selecting a different language loads the appropriate version of the article in the main content area of the page
- All headings and template copy in the main content area is translated
- Header, footer, and other content not specific to that page is not translated
- The currently-displayed language is displayed differently in the toggle
- Executed cut-over plan
- Removed old hard-coded toggles and all related code
Design principles
Single source of truth
: Increase reliability and consistency of content on by providing a single source of truth. -
Accessible, plain language
: Provide guardrails and guidelines to ensure content quality. -
Purposely structured content
: Ensure Content API can deliver content whose meaning matches its structure. -
Content lifecycle governance
: Produce tools, processes and policies to maintain content quality throughout its lifecycle.
: Create an opportunity to involve the editor community in VA’s mission and content strategy goals. -
: Remove distractions and create clear, straightforward paths to get the job done. -
: Offer friendly guidance over authoritative instruction. -
: Reduce user’s mental load by allowing them to fall back on pattern recognition to complete tasks. -
: Provide clear information to help editors make decisions about their work.
Please check the team(s) that will do this work.
CMS Team
Public Websites
User support