Still an issue in D10
Continuation of #11843
Acceptance Criteria
- Fix from 508-defect-2 [SEMANTIC MARKUP]: Links SHOULD not have title attributes #11843 posted to drupal community for feedback.
- Receive and evaluate feedback received with PM (Mike) and a11y SME (Laura).
- Make updates as discussed with a11y SME and PM.
------Snippet of 11843 below-------
Steps to Recreate
- Go to the Erie medical Center page
- Hover over "Learn more about DAV and the other van services available in your county" link
- Verify that a small "tool tip" like bit of text appears
Additional Context
- This title attribute is not being added manually by the editor, I confirmed in the CMS
Screenshot of Link in the Rich text editor - there is no title:
Screenshot of the View node - now there is a title:
It's also odd that every link on this node is not getting a title, none of these have it:
This is also not just happening on Facilities pages, I have an issue of this occurring very recently on a Benefits page:
Previous Team Points