Requirements & Goals
This epic captures all page layouts that will be necessary to retire Content Build. Our goals are both to retire Content Build and to publish all page types more quickly, and page layout migration will need to be completed for that.How will we know we've achieved our goal?
- All Drupal page types with pages have been implemented in Next Build
- All Drupal page types with pages are being published to production by Content Build
Layouts to migrate
- layout: node--basic_landing_page (Landing Page) #8644
- layout: node--faq_multiple_q_a (FAQ page) #8645
- layout: node--q_a (Reusable Q&A) #8650
- layout: node--step_by_step (Step-by-Step) #8651
- layout: node--landing_page (Benefits Hub Landing Page) #14362
- layout: node--office #14367
- layout: node--support_service #14366
- layout: node--page (Benefits Detail Page) #14368
- layout: node--campaign_landing_page (Campaign Landing Page) #16603
- layout: node--leadership_listing (Leadership List) #16622
- layout: node--publication_listing (Publication Listing Page) #16630
- component: paragraph--staff_profile (Staff profile) #16632
- layout: node--va_form (VA Form) #16633
- layout: node--health_services_listing (Health Services List) #16618
- layout: node--health_care_region_detail_page (VAMC Detail Page) #16722
- layout: node--health_care_region_page (VAMC System) #16758
- layout: node--locations_listing (VAMC System Locations List) #16759
- layout: node--vamc_operating_status_and_alerts (VAMC System Operating Status) #16760
- layout: node--vamc_system_billing_insurance (VAMC System Billing and Insurance) #16761
- layout: node--vamc_system_medical_records_offi (VAMC System Medical Records Office) #16762
- layout: node--vamc_system_policies_page (VAMC System Policies Page) #16763
- layout: node--vamc_system_register_for_care (VAMC System Register for Care) #16764
- layout: node--vamc_system_va_police (VAMC System VA Policy page) #16765
- layout: node--vba_facility (VBA Facility) #16766
- layout: node--vet_center_locations_list (Vet Center - Locations List) #16768
- layout: node--nca_facility (NCA Facility) #16624
Migration work in some state of completion
Feb 2025: The tickets below were closed in an earlier era, but does NOT reflect that the current state of template build has parity with production content-build or that all these templates are launched to production using Next-build.
- layout: node--event #15908
- layout: node--event_listing #16290
- layout: node--news_story (Story) #8649
- layout: node--story_listing (Stories list) #8652
- layout: node--support_resources_detail_page (Resources and Support Detail Page) #8653
- layout: node--vet_center (Vet Center) #16767
- layout: node--press_release (News Release) #16625
- layout: node--press_releases_listing (News Releases List) #16629