At the bottom of all Vet Center pages, there are 2 heading structure issues that should be resolved:
- The first issue is that all accordion titles should be h3s but the "How we are different" section has accordions that are h2s:
- Second issue is, within this particular accordion, there is an alert that has an h2 heading. This should actually be an h4:
I would also make the case that this alert isn't necessary, this content can simply be added as a basic list on the page - putting it within the additional info component is adding additional clicks and complexity that isn't needed. Do we have the authority to change this format?
Acceptance Criteria
- Update the heading of the "Am I eligible for Vet Center services as a Veteran or service member?" accordion to be an H3
- Consider removing the alert within this accordion and reformatting the content to reduce cognitive load. Be sure that the heading structure is correct.
- If the alert is not removed, update the alert title to be an H4
- Requires accessibility review