[2025-01-14] [Fran] Still blocked by DST ticket.
Blocked by this DST defect: department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-design-system-documentation#2817
We cannot convert this to a va-link
until that accessibility defect is addressed.
The va-link web component's analytics now include link destination, and va-link-action has been released to the component library. We can now use baked-in analytics for Campaign Landing Pages download links.
User story
AS A PO/PM managing Sitewide products & features
I WANT to (where appropriate) adopt the va-link or va-link-action component, its baked-in analytics, and remove the custom GA events
SO THAT extraneous code is removed and only the events needed will be triggered.
Engineering notes
Content-build template:
Acceptance criteria
- Element: "Download ___ PDF" links
- upgrade to web component
- enable web component analytics
- a11y review