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[BLOCKED] [PACT Act Wizard] Add support/contact information to PAW beginning & all 4 results screens #19454





[2024-12-03] [Fran] Blocked until stakeholders determine path forward for PAW


In reviewing the Veteran Support/Contact Center guidance document to prep for launch, I discovered that all applications on the Veteran-facing Services Platform must include a phone number Veterans can call to ask questions about the application's functionality.

To that end, this component needs to be added to PACT Act Wizard (currently in Staging; not yet released).

Use this component here in Storybook, and screenshot below.

Component screenshot



  • The first contact component will display on the PAW (introduction) screen, above the gray line that is above the Feedback button.
    • /pact-act-eligibility/introduction


  • The second contact component will display on all PAW results screens, above the gray line that is above the Feedback button.

Example of one results page: image.png

  • /pact-act-eligibility/results-1-1
  • /pact-act-eligibility/results-1-2
  • /pact-act-eligibility/results-2
  • /pact-act-eligibility/results-3
  • /pact-act-eligibility/results-4

User story

AS A Veteran or their designate using the PACT Act Wizard
I WANT a number I can call if I run into issues completing the wizard
SO THAT I'm not frustrated by my experience and can receive the support needed when needed.

Engineering notes / background

Analytics considerations

Testing & QA

Scope / Impact analysis

What, if anything, could break as a result of this change?
Engineer should assess this when approaching PR.

Roles / assignments

After functional testing, code review, accessibility review, and design review can happen in parallel.

  • Functional testing:
  • Code review:
  • Design review:
  • Accessibility review: @laflannery
  • Product acceptance: @FranECross

Acceptance criteria

ACs should capture expected behavior, to inform test plans. Consider devices, documentation updates including KBs, change management, and content model when applicable.

  • The component with the contact verbiage/phone number/TTY number displays on the PAW introduction screen per screenshot examples above (above the line that displays above the Feedback button): URL /discharge-upgrade-instructions/introduction
  • The component with the contact verbiage/phone number/TTY number displays on the PAW introduction screen per screenshot examples above (above the line that displays above the Feedback button) on all PAW results screens (listed below):
    • /pact-act-eligibility/results-1-1
    • /pact-act-eligibility/results-1-2
    • /pact-act-eligibility/results-2
    • /pact-act-eligibility/results-3
    • /pact-act-eligibility/results-4
  • Clicking the phone number or TTY: 711 open the expected modal/app, based on the component's design/instructions.
  • Does this product have an existing regression test plan?
    • Yes, link:
    • No, regression test plan will NOT be created as part of the work / points in this ticket; Fran is working on a regression test plan and test traceability matrix.
  • Accessibility review


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