Migration epic for the Benefits Detail page. This is the work to build, QA, launch the Benefits Detail page template in next-build as well as clean up the content-build pieces.
Product Owner
Sitewide Public Websites
- When a team is ready to begin a template:
- Move the Migration ticket from the Pre-migration ticket into the Development column
- Add the team doing the work to Implementing team
- Add the individual Assignee
- Add a comment in the ticket informing the appropriate folks that this ticket is moving forward
- When the template is ready for QA:
- Close the Migration ticket.
- Move the QA ticket into the QA column
- If the CMS team is migrating the template - change the Assignee to @laflannery
- If there are issues found during QA:
- Create a Defect ticket for each issue found
- These tickets should be added to the Defect column
- These tickets should be subissues of the QA ticket
- When the template is ready for Rollout
- Close the QA ticket
- Inform the CMS team that the template is ready for rollout
- The CMS team will:
- Move the Launch ticket to the Rollout column and assign it
- When the template is ready for Post-launch
- Close the Launch ticket
- Moved to the Post-launch ticket to the moved to Production column to hold for 1 full sprint
- Then complete the ticket
- After post-launch the ticket can be closed!