Currently on event detail pages on recurring events, there is an "Add to calendar" link for each instance in the "View more times" accordion. However, this link simply refreshes the page, rather than downloading an .ics
file that will add the event to the user's calendar. Also, having this link present for past events doesn't make sense anyway - why would a person want to add a past event to their calendar.
- For past events, we shouldn't need to worry about this too much because we have a longer term plan of removing past events entirely
- However, for the upcoming events UX had proposed removing the "Add to calendar" link and instead linking the date and time to the specific detail page for the event. This solves 2 problems:
- It removes the confusing "Add to calendar" link
- And it removes the accessibility error create by having many links that might end up linking to different pages.
- This is the Figma design that was created for this
Engineering notes / background
I am not sure that each recurrence has a specific detail page, and if it does not we wouldn't be able to add a link to each page. In that cause, there may be technical limitations for this approach and it might need to be rethought
Analytics considerations
Testing & QA
Scope / Impact analysis
What, if anything, could break as a result of this change?
Engineer should assess this when approaching PR.
Roles / assignments
After functional testing, code review, accessibility review, and design review can happen in parallel.
- Accessibility review: @laflannery
- Product acceptance: @FranECross
Acceptance criteria
ACs should capture expected behavior, to inform test plans. Consider devices, documentation updates including KBs, change management, and content model when applicable.
- the "Add to calendar" link for each instance in the "View more times" accordion no longer displays.
- each date and time in the "View more times" accordion links to the specific detail page for the event.
- accessibility review