1 of 11 issues completed
[2024-12-03] [Fran] Blocked until stakeholders determine path forward for PAW
In December 2023, the release of PACT Act Wizard was halted by stakeholders who wanted to add more content/change content.
This new epic is to organize remaining tickets and any new tickets that are created. The old epic will be closed.
Product Outline
High Level User Story/ies
As a Veteran, I need to understand if I qualify for additional benefits, due to the PACT Act.
Hypothesis or Bet
If we create a wizard to help Veterans understand their benefit status, then we will see an uptick in benefit applications for qualifying Veterans.
Key metrics
Definition of done
What must be true in order for you to consider this epic complete?
- A benefits "wizard" has been designed built, tested, & launched, and metrics for the wizard's use and funnels to benefit applications are being tracked.
- Collab Cycle has reviewed & signed off
Design principles
Single source of truth
: Increase reliability and consistency of content on by providing a single source of truth. -
Accessible, plain language
: Provide guardrails and guidelines to ensure content quality. -
Purposely structured content
: Ensure Content API can deliver content whose meaning matches its structure. -
Content lifecycle governance
: Produce tools, processes and policies to maintain content quality throughout its lifecycle.