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[BLOCKED] [Discharge Upgrade Wizard] [UX] Determine how to display info on DUW results page without stacked alerts #20272





[2025-02-12] [Fran] Blocked until CAIA conducts their Phase 2 review


We received feedback from the DUW Collab Cycle Staging Review that we shouldn't be stacking alerts on the results page. The screenshot below shows that there is a blue info alert, and then a yellow alert.

Please determine the best way to display this information without the stacked alerts e.g. can we just display the info in the blue alert as a sub-heading/bullet point?


Additional information

  • Collab Ticket link here

User story

AS A Veteran who has answered questions in the Discharge Upgrade Wizard and is now viewing the results page
I WANT to see information laid out in a way that isn't visually jarring, or in the case of using assistive tech, in a way that isn't audibly jarring with too many alerts, one after the other
SO THAT I can easily process the results and determine my next steps.

Steps to Reproduce

You can see the alerts by answering the following questions:

  • Question: What was your branch of service? Answer: Army
  • Question: What year were you discharged from the military? Answer: 2024
  • Question: Which of the following best describes why you want to change your discharge paperwork? Choose the one that's closest to your situation. Answer: PTSD
  • Question: Do you want to change your name, discharge date, or something written in the "other remarks" section of your DD214? Answer: No, I want to change only my characterization ...
  • Question: Was your discharge the outcome of a general court-martial? Answer: No, ...
  • Question: Have you previously applied for and been denied a discharge upgrade for this period of service? Answer: I don't know.
  • Question: Did you complete a period of service in which your character of service was Honorable or General Under Honorable Conditions? Answer: Yes, I completed an earlier period of service. But I didn’t receive discharge paperwork from that period.

Acceptance criteria

  • Determine and note in this ticket how to display the information in the blue alert so that it isn't stacked as an alert above the yellow alert.
  • Tag @FranECross so she can prioritize/queue up the FE ticket for this work.


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    BlockedIssues that are blocked on factors other than blocking issues.Discharge upgrade wizardProduct owned by Public Websites teamNeeds refiningIssue statusPublic WebsitesScrum team in the Sitewide crewUXsitewide


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