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[Campaign Landing Pages] [non-engineering win] 'Connect with us' dropdown update #20298





An audit was performed by Dave Picket, and the following 'Connect with us' field updates were identified:

If Dave can, the "Connect with us" block should have "Veterans Affairs" as an option, rather than VACO.

  • we should test to see what renders on the front end

Screenshot of the dropdown in CMS:


Screenshot of the Front-end Campaign Landing Page CONNECT WITH US block:


User story

AS A editor creating or editing a Campaign Landing Page, specifically the Connect with us section
I WANT to see in the Connect with us block dropdown 'Veterans Affairs' instead of VACO
SO THAT so I know it the broader scope of 'Veteran's Affairs', instead of the more narrow scope of "Veteran's Affairs Central Office', and I'm not confused.

AS A Veteran, their family member(s), caregiver(s), or survivor(s)
I WANT to see an email update link in the Campaign Landing Page CONNECT WITH US section that matches verbiage on the other links e.g. Veterans Affairs Email Updates, Veterans Affairs Facebook, Veterans Affairs Instagram
SO THAT I'm not confused by what VACO means and I more readily use that link to get email updates about Veterans Affairs

Acceptance criteria

  • When an editor clicks the dropdown in the Connect with us section, the choices are None, NCA, Veterans Affairs, VBA, and VHA
  • The editor is able to choose Veterans Affairs from the dropdown
  • The editor is able to (after completing all other required fields) save and publish the CLP
  • On the Front-end CONNECT WITH US block the Veteran et al will see a link Veterans Affairs Email Updates, instead of a VACO Email updates link.


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    Campaign Landing PageMarketing campaign oriented, CMS-managed product owned by Public Websites teamDrupal engineeringCMS team practice areaPublic WebsitesScrum team in the Sitewide crewsitewide


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