All search facet work is blocked by #19495
One of the things we are testing during research is the grouping of tags (e.g. Benefit and Topic as distinct categories rather than one big Topic category). Until that research is complete, we cannot architect the tags in Drupal.
Adding new Drupal fields for R&S Search facets
- Audience, Topic, Benefits
- These fields don't yet exist in Drupal per Dave.
- Fields will need to be added to Resources and Support Detail Page, Step by Step, FAQ Page, Q&A, Checklist, Media List Images, and Media List Video content types.

Populating new Drupal fields
- Will need to determine how this will need to happen be that manually or as some kind of data migration.
- Determine if this needs its own ticket
Add Custom Meta Tags
- Tags needed:
-- Audience, populated with new Audience field value
-- Benefit, populated with new Benefit field value
-- Topic, populated with new Topic field value
-- Content Type, populated with static "resources-and-support" value - Drupal content types to add tags to: Resources and Support Detail Page, Step by Step, FAQ Page, Q&A, Checklist, Media List Images, Media List Video
- May require custom code to replace underscores (_) with periods (.) or colons (:) as needed since the Drupal metatag modules only support underscores in tag names
- Size = Small to Medium (S-M)
User story
The ultimate user story is:
AS A Veteran using the new Resources & Support frontend
I WANT to be able to use the filter drawer, and then subsequently the tags on the search results and details pages
SO THAT I can find what I'm looking for with a minimum of frustration and time.
Engineering notes / background
Analytics considerations
Testing & QA
Scope / Impact analysis
What, if anything, could break as a result of this change?
Engineer should assess this when approaching PR.
Roles / assignments
After functional testing, code review, accessibility review, and design review can happen in parallel.
- Functional testing:
- Code review:
- Design review:
- Accessibility review:
- Product acceptance:
Acceptance criteria
- New Drupal fields added: Audience, Topic, Benefits
- Benefit tag added to Drupal content types of: Resources and Support Detail Page, Step by Step, FAQ Page, Q&A, Checklist, Media List Images, Media List Video
- Topic tag added to Drupal content types of: Resources and Support Detail Page, Step by Step, FAQ Page, Q&A, Checklist, Media List Images, Media List Video
- Content Type tag added to Drupal content types of: Resources and Support Detail Page, Step by Step, FAQ Page, Q&A, Checklist, Media List Images, Media List Video
- Audience tag added to Drupal content types of: Resources and Support Detail Page, Step by Step, FAQ Page, Q&A, Checklist, Media List Images, Media List Video
- underscores in tag names replaced by [periods (.)] or [colons (:)]
- Impact analysis is filled out and QA test plan is updated accordingly
- Does this product have an existing regression test plan?
- Yes, link:
- No, regression test plan will be created as part of the work / points in this ticket