** BLOCKED by #20349 **
Add Meta Tags to Templates
- Add tags to graphQL queries for all 7 content types (Resources and Support Detail Page, Step by Step, FAQ Page, Q&A, Checklist, Media List Images, Media List Video)
- Tag name normalization if not done in Drupal (Replacing _ with : or .)
Tags needed: Audience, Benefit, Topic, Content Type
User story
The ultimate user story is:
AS A Veteran using the new Resources & Support frontend
I WANT to be able to use the filter drawer, and then subsequently the tags on the search results and details pages
SO THAT I can find what I'm looking for with a minimum of frustration and time.
Engineering notes / background
Analytics considerations
Testing & QA
Scope / Impact analysis
What, if anything, could break as a result of this change?
Engineer should assess this when approaching PR.
Roles / assignments
After functional testing, code review, accessibility review, and design review can happen in parallel.
- Functional testing:
- Code review:
- Design review:
- Accessibility review:
- Product acceptance:
Acceptance criteria
- Tags (Audience, Topic, Benefit, Content Type) added to Resources and Support Detail Page
- Tags (Audience, Topic, Benefit, Content Type) added to Step by Step
- Tags (Audience, Topic, Benefit, Content Type) added to FAQ Page
- Tags (Audience, Topic, Benefit, Content Type) added to Q&A
- Tags (Audience, Topic, Benefit, Content Type) added to Checklist
- Tags (Audience, Topic, Benefit, Content Type) added to Media List Images
- Tags (Audience, Topic, Benefit, Content Type) added to Media List Video
- Tag name normalization done (if not done in Drupal) (Replacing _ with : or .)
- Impact analysis is filled out and QA test plan is updated accordingly
- Does this product have an existing regression test plan?
- Yes, link:
- No, regression test plan will be created as part of the work / points in this ticket