2 of 5 issues completedDescription
User Story or Problem Statement
As a engineer on content build and next build, I want to be able to see my work in CMS & Next Build on a Tugboat server so that I can be sure my code changes are functioning as expected.
- Next server does not run properly on CMS Tugboat instances (Next Build server does not run correctly on CMS Tugboat instances #20507)
- Next server branch cannot be changed (Tugboat Next.js server can be restarted via Composer command #17209, Next Build and Vets Website branches can be chosen on Tugboat #16853)
- There should be a single domain for seeing Next & Content Build pages combined. (Traffic routing for Tugboat #17025)
- Next Build should reflect Tugboat content changes the way that Content Build is able to. (Next Build should reflect Tugboat content changes the way that Content Build is able to #20543)
Currently we are able to build a Tugboat which shows content-build pages but we are not positive that this is working as expected for next-build changes. As we are prioritizing next-build migration and we anticipate more templates will be on production and more changes will be coming, we will need to make sure we have a reliable way to test changes and updates to the front end when those changes involve next-build pages.
Steps for Implementation
- This is potentially an issue with node versions being set correctly; see ./tugboat.yml and .tugboat/config.yml
- Work was done previously for this, and there is an open PR: Tugboat Next.js server can be restarted via Composer command #17400 This should be examined for potential use.
- This could be an easy nginx implementation, like it is in the reverse proxy. See the logic in the reverse proxy for guidance:
If we need to offer a way to test changed next-build branches with changed CMS branches in the meantime:
- Set up a CMS Tugboat with your CMS changes.
- Make note of the URL of your CMS Tugboat instance.
- In your next-build branch with your next-branch changes, in envs/.env.Tugboat, change the NEXT_PUBLIC_DRUPAL_BASE_URL value to your CMS Tugboat URL from step 2.
Acceptance Criteria
- Next Build server on CMS Tugboat works
- Users can change the Next Build branch within the CMS interface and have the server use their branch code, as is currently the case for Tugboat
- Users are able to hit a single domain to see both Next Build and Content Build mixed together on CMS Tugboat, as is the case on
- Document the process for how to build a Tugboat that displays next-build pages (e.g. how does this process differ from the well known process folks are used to for building content-build pages)
- Communicate to Sitewide team