Many Veterans expressed frustration in not being able to find the DD214 in response to their search on Find a form. GA4 shows variants of DD214 as a search term 14,703 times between August and December 2024 -> it was the 11th most common numeric search.
In this Spike, Randi identified, and Michelle approved, the following improvement to specifically address this issue.
Requirements for this ticket
When "DD214" is searched (in its various forms / capitalization), amend the "no results" text area to add a line under the existing "No results" text (as a link) that says: "Need to request your military records including DD214?"
User story
AS A Veteran who needs to request their DD214 and is using the Find a VA form app to search for the form
I WANT to see additional information under the text that says it wasn't found showing me where I can go to request it
SO THAT I'm not frustrated by my experience and can follow that link to make my request.
Engineering notes / background
Analytics considerations
Testing & QA
Scope / Impact analysis
What, if anything, could break as a result of this change?
Engineer should assess this when approaching PR.
Roles / assignments
- Accessibility review: @Shamiaalam
- Product acceptance: @FranECross
Acceptance criteria
- When "DD214" is searched (in its various forms / capitalization), amend the "no results" text area to add a line under the existing "No results" text (as a link) that says: "Need to request your military records including DD214?"