We recently discovered that is recently unable to update the system status page on, where they normally would publish updates to the system status, nor are they able to send out newsletter notifications.
Because of this, we won't have prior knowledge of maintenance, nor will be be notified of unintended outages, which means we can't display the appropriate maintenance or outage banner(s).
This spike is to investigate options for supporting Veterans during unanticipated outages, so that we're able to display the appropriate banner(s).
User story
AS A Veteran, their caregiver(s), family member(s) and survivor(s) using the search feature in
I WANT to know that the search feature is unavailable, or is encountering intermittent outages
SO THAT I'm not frustrated by the search feature not working, or working sporadically during a window of time.
Engineering notes / background
Analytics considerations
Testing & QA
Scope / Impact analysis
Roles / assignments
After functional testing, code review, accessibility review, and design review can happen in parallel.
- Functional testing:
- Code review:
- Design review:
- Accessibility review: Shamia Alam
- **Product acceptance: Michelle Middaugh and Fran Cross
Acceptance criteria
- Provide (in this ticket) ways in which we can inform veterans about search outages in
- Ping Michelle Middaugh and Fran Cross so they can review
- Fran to create ticket(s)