In form 10-7959a there are several locations that should use dynamic wording/pronouns but do not. These should be adjusted as described:
- Change "This number is usually the same as the beneficiary’s Social Security number." to include the beneficiary's name instead of "the beneficiary’s"
Use the beneficiary's and provider's name in the questions: What type of insurance [do you/does beneficiary] have through[insurance provider name]
? -
Update language on the text that appears when Insurance type not listed to : Describe the type of health insurance [you have/beneficiary has] through[insurance provider name](*Required)
Use the pronouns, dependent on the who is filling out the form
- Make Beneficiary’s health insurance review pronouns, dependent on the who is filling out the form: [Your/Beneficiary’s] health insurance review
Make Beneficiary’s health insurance review pronouns, dependent on the who is filling out the form: [Do you/Does the beneficiary] have any other health insurance coverage that isn't through CHAMPVA? (*Required) - Remove: You can add up to 2 health insurance policies
- The "Other helpful information about submitting claims accordion" need to use the dynamic pronouns: You must file your claim within 1 year of when [you/ beneficiary's name] got the care. And if [you/ beneficiary's name] stayed at a hospital for care, you must file your claim within 1 year of when [you/ beneficiary's name]left the hospital.
Please retain a copy of all documents submitted to CHAMPVA
- The "Other helpful information about submitting claims accordion" need to use the dynamic pronouns: You must file your claim within 1 year of when [you/ beneficiary's name] got the care. And if [you/ beneficiary's name] stayed at a hospital for care, you must file your claim within 1 year of when [you/ beneficiary's name]left the hospital.
Here's a link to a similar PR that was put together for OHI
Acceptance Criteria:
- The above textual changes have been implemented
- The above textual changes are visible in staging